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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:15 AM


First Published in 1994


For American veterans who fought for freedom in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and are still living, the current question burning in their heart and mind is: “What has happened to our country, and the people thousands fought, bled and died to defend?” It has happened gradually, but suddenly there is a realization that at least half of the people in our land are acting as if they were not of sound mind. They lack a desire to seek truth, defend their God-given freedom or have concern for future generations.  Only an insane people would allow their freedom to be taken away and their exceptional way of life destroyed before their very eyes without taking some preventive action.

I find it difficult if not impossible to accept the fact that many well-meaning Americans, including thousands of professed Christians are so misinformed, misguided and deceived that they are willing to participate in the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

Decorated Vietnam War veteran, author and historian Mike Scruggs wrote a message last week titled America’s Last Stand. The issues he raises are bone chilling.

The probable final battle to preserve the God-given freedom passed to us by our Founding Fathers and protected by adherence to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution will likely take place this year. The destructive enemy is a disguised Trojan Horse consisting of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R, AL) is urging House Republicans to defend American workers and taxpayers and stand against big business lobbyists and leftist Democrats seeking huge amnesties for illegal immigrants and massive legal immigration programs that would bring in 30 million foreign workers in the next decade.

“I believe 85 to 90 percent of House Republicans would support Senator Sessions call,” wrote Scruggs. “But the Republican House leadership seems to be drawn disproportionately from the 10 or 15 percent who are listening to the corporate lobbyists and trying to endear themselves to the liberal press. That is why I tremble for my country. Our country is hanging on the edge of a cliff. We are in mortal danger, and few people know that it is the outcome of the immigration issue that will drive all the other issues.”

A few years ago two former Democrat Presidents met with a group of church “leaders” in Atlanta to create an organization to persuade churches that scripture supports leftist causes. They used their influence to infiltrate both local churches and denomination organizations. They were successful in getting even former conservative denominations to buy into the leftist political global warming hoax and the belief that man, not God must save the planet.

The same people funded by leftists have convinced some Christians that scripture requires them to support amnesty and shortcuts to citizenship for people who enter our country illegally.

Mike Scruggs writes: “Most Americans, including many Republicans, have not yet thought through what a demographic change to a permanent left electorate means for conservative issues. The Obamacare nightmare would be here to stay. The left would dominate on every social issue – abortion, gay-marriage and any real religious freedom for Christians. The Constitution would be meaningless, our rights unprotected, and our society lawless except where it benefits the lawless lobbyist-leftist coalition. There would be no Second Amendment gun rights. The changes from freedom and moral clarity to suffocating socialism and insane Jacobin liberalism would progress relentlessly through every issue, through every institution, until the America of our forefathers was a dream lost forever.”

We tend to think of “Custer’s Last Stand” as a tragic, maybe humorous footnote to history. To the members of the Seventh Calvary, however, it was the end of their lives. A poor leader who made faulty decisions led them to their death. There was no second chance.

There will be no second chance short of bloodshed if the wrong decision is made on amnesty. We need to make sure they get it right. or insanity may be preferable to reality.