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Monday, January 20, 2025 - 09:39 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


“All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

After a long season of lethargy, disinterest and tolerance, the American people are beginning to pay attention, communicate and take action. The question for which we have no answer remains: “Is it too late?”

There are signs of encouragement and indications that the American people may once again be willing to take whatever action is necessary to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States in order to preserve the constitutional republic that has been the bastion of freedom in the world for more than 200 years.

Many Americans who have been occupied with things they thought were more important are now coming to the realization that we have allowed our government to be taken over by people who seem determined to create a Socialist/Marxist dictatorship and erode the God-given freedom generations of Americans have sacrificed and died for – and they are “not going to take it any more.”

For sixteen years The Times Examiner and a few other conservative Christian media have been providing information and alerting readers that we are living in an increasingly dangerous world and that there are people plotting to destroy the US Constitution and diminish the freedom of the American people.

For years this publication has warned that Communism was not dead – that the radical leftists that had attempted to wreck the republic during the Vietnam War and were able to exert sufficient influence to demoralize the U. S. Armed forces and manipulate a weak Congress into betraying the troops and abandoning Southeast Asia to Communist dictators had simply changed their tactics and infiltrated the centers of power and systematically prepared for an ultimate takeover of the U. S. Government.

They organized, planned and tested their tactics beginning in local school board and city elections while administrations from Jimmy Carter through George W. Bush either were deceived or secretly supportive of a leftist shift in government and deception of the American people.

When the election of 2008 arrived, the techniques, tactics and plans were tested and in place. A generation of young people had been dumbed-down and conditioned to be easily manipulated through use of psychological techniques that play on the emotions. The dominant national media, corporate board rooms and the government bureaucracy had been compromised and the opposition demonized.

A leftist-dominated House and Senate were elected. A relatively unknown individual from Chicago with very radical associations and background ruthlessly pushed aside the powerful Clinton political machine and with the aid of lax election laws and thousands of paid workers on the street, Barack Hussein Obama became President of the United States and moved an assorted group of radical political operatives into powerful positions in the White House and federal agencies.

People who had been “asleep” as citizens began to take notice. They are now concerned for the future of their children. The White House took control of banks and the money supply. They took over General Motors to strengthen the Auto Workers Union. They took over Chrysler. They are in the process of taking over the national health care system. They are using “junk science” and leftist propaganda to indoctrinate youth and gullible adults. They are using fraudulent environmentalism, the creation of daily crises and the Delphi Technique to scare people into supporting unwise activities and programs they would not otherwise support.

There are bold signs of encouragement at the grass roots that bode well for the future. A remnant is willing to take a stand in defense of the Constitution. However, those in power will not likely yield without creating violence. Time will tell if the defenders of the Constitution are “too few and too late.”