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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:13 PM


First Published in 1994


Republican women are making a dynamic effort to lead their political party to greatness through open, moral and ethical leadership based on tried and tested conservative principles that have been lacking in government at all levels in recent years. Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin added a needed spark to the lackluster campaign of Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential campaign. Her fresh, honest, open approach to communicating with people and dealing with political issues shook the foundations of the "business as usual" political establishment and may have saved the fragile GOP from self-destruction. Although there are other potential Republican candidates at the national level, Palin is and will continue to be the national figure that challenges conservatives and terrifies progressives (liberals). In the Palmetto State, women have become the driving force of the Republican Party. Karen Floyd was elected Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. The Greenville County Republican Women's Club attracted more presidential candidates as speakers at their events leading up to the 2008 elections than any other comparable group. When Republican women from Greenville, Spartanburg and Anderson combine their efforts, they comprise an awesome political force. The South Carolina Federation of Republican Women elected Greenville resident and past Greenville County Republican Women's Club President Betty Poe as President of the Federation during their convention last weekend. The federation also elected Greenville County Republican Party Treasurer Linda Garner as Federation Treasurer.

Greenville County Republican Women's Club President Geri Warren was named Federation Club President of the Year and Spartanburg County GOP Chairman LaDonna Ryggs was named Federation Woman of the Year.

One of the critical issues that must be resolved if South Carolina is to elect conservative candidates to public office is the matter of registration by party. The Greenville County Republican Party has taken the lead in working toward preventing Democrats from voting in Republican primary elections and influencing the nomination of candidates to represent the Republican Party in the General Election. The county executive committee has authorized the chairman to pursue legal action to seek a court order to require the legislature to enact legislation to protect the integrity of political party primaries. The Republican controlled legislature could pass the necessary legislation without court action if they were so inclined and did not have a number of RINO (Republican in Name Only) members masquerading as Republicans to get elected and voting against the best interest of their Republican constituents on critical issues.

Chairman Karen Floyd and the South Carolina Republican Party have committed to support the Greenville County effort to seek registration by party. Also, the Greenville County Republican Women's Club is supportive of the action and will hold a forum on the matter during their October monthly luncheon at the Poinsett Club, Thursday, October 22, at noon. Panel members will include Attorney Stephen Brown, former county GOP chairman and the lead attorney on the legal action, State Representative Garry Smith who has introduced a bill to require registration by party in the South Carolina House of Representatives, and WORD Radio program director and host of the Bob McLain afternoon talk show, Bob McLain, will serve as moderator for the panel.