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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:20 AM


First Published in 1994


The controversial educational indoctrination initiative called “Common Core” could be described as “deception of Biblical proportions from the pits of hell.” That description, however, must be toned down to avoid scaring many people who need to be confronted with “truth” and deal with it, because it is truth that will set us free from deception.

The American people are not stupid; therefore, clever deception is necessary if they are to accept enslavement of their children and destruction of their constitutional republic. Using group psychology, clever advertising and the “carrot and stick” method of rewards and punishment on teachers and school administrators, they have hope of success, despite a parental rebellion.

For the purpose of this discussion, let’s suspend the arguments for and against Common Core for the time being, and deal with what we believe to be truth (facts).

Common Core is not new. It is repackaged “Outcome Based Education,” OBE was a failed federal program rejected by parents and many teachers. The “School to Work” initiative met a similar fate. Parents do not want educators or government bureaucrats determining in elementary or middle school whether their children will become lawyers and doctors or ditch diggers. Therefore, the people who think they know what is best for their fellowman have devised a more up-to-date approach to a more gullible public.

The difference is that Common Core is technically not a federal government initiative. It is funded, developed, owned, copyrighted and implemented by NGOs (non- government organizations). Common Core was given pseudo legitimacy by the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.

State Boards of Education acceptance of a contract with the owners of Common Core committed states to implement the initiative. These boards of education were unelected but appointed by state legislatures and governors.

Microsoft guru Bill Gates provided many of the millions of dollars to develop, promote and implement the Common Core Standards for American schools. Gates and other powerful “elite” individuals and groups own and have copyrighted the Common Core initiative so that it cannot be changed at the local level and to support denial that it is a federal program.

The U. S. Department of education is very supportive of Common Core while denying that it is a federal initiative. Federal Government involvement is very clever and effective. The NGOs and federal government made it clear to states that those who committed to the contractual arrangement to implement Common Core would have enhanced opportunities to receive federal and private foundation grants through a competitive program.

There is no denying the fact that the states accepted Common Core in exchange for money. Some bluntly say they were “bribed.”

Why do we refer to Common Core as an indoctrination initiative? The arrogant elite promoters of Common Core, if unopposed, will create a large working class in the United States and a small ruling upper class. The Common Core standards are designed to teach every child in the nation the same information, except for the children of the elite who will attend special schools preparing them to be future leaders. There are examples of the origins of this “class system” presently. The Obama children attend a special private school, while the president outlawed school choice for the children in the District of Columbia.

More specifically, the English or “Language Arts” standards and curriculum and reading material contains revisionist history indoctrination material that is clearly unconstitutional and un-American. The “Classics” have been removed from literature assignments. References to God have been replaced by the Secular Humanist religion of environmentalism and psychology.

Common Core requires that teachers and administrators be evaluated on how well they implement Common Core.

Finally, there is a data collection system, that gives local schools deniability, but collects detailed personal information on students from pre-K through college and work history. This information will be stored at the national level and available to virtually anyone.

Common Core is part of a system to enable a small ruling class to control the masses from cradle to grave, and the owners of the copyright can modify and change as they like, whenever they see fit.