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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Where is the missing Malaysian Airliner? It has now been a month since the disappearance of Flight 370 from Malaysia and speculation is rampant. The prevailing consensus in the dominant media is that the Boeing 777 is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Almost daily, someone spots wreckage or hears a “ping” that turns out to mean nothing whatsoever. At this writing, the Chinese claim to have heard a “ping” on the frequency of the so-called “black box” that will be running out of power in a matter of days.

One problem with the Indian Ocean scenario is that no rational explanation or motive has been offered for anyone to take the airliner in the opposite direction of its destination and ditch it in the ocean.

This missing airliner has been the lead story in the dominant media for a month. During this time, Russia seized Crimea and threatens to invade Ukraine, a Hispanic soldier shot 19 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood and the acting CIA Director admitted to tailoring Benghazi talking points that helped Obama win a second term.

A bizarre media decision was to continue reporting that this is the first airliner to seemingly vanish. No one even mentions the KAL Korean Airliner that disappeared during a flight from the USA to Korea taking the northern route near Russia. A Congressman named McDonald, the most outspoken anti-Communist in the Congress, who had just been appointed head of The John Burch Society was on board the plane. I don’t recall the “black box” ever being recovered. Rumors persist among those who knew McDonald, that Russian fighters forced the airliner to land on Russian soil. Why would they shoot down a well-marked airliner that allegedly wandered into Russian air space over the ocean? The US did nothing to retaliate. Why?

Conspiracy theory number one is that Russia was behind the airline incident to distract world media attention from their invasion of their neighbors. It has served that purpose.

Conspiracy theory number two is that the plane was hijacked either by the crew or someone on the plane and diverted to a remote airfield in Pakistan to be used later in a stealth raid on Israel or a US military target. Israel apparently gave some credibility to this theory because they immediately upgraded their air defense status.

Conspiracy theory number three is very interesting and would involve agents of the United States Government. The complicated story goes something like this: Muslim forces in Afghanistan captured a trailer size pod of highly classified electronic equipment. Several countries wanted to purchase the equipment in order to obtain the classified technical capabilities they did not have.

The Chinese reportedly made the deal to purchase the equipment and somehow had it transported to Malaysia where American agents discovered it. The equipment was allegedly loaded on Flight 370. Three or more agents working for the US Government were booked aboard the same flight.

The theory is that the US agents took control of the plane shortly after takeoff, turned off electronic transmitting equipment and proceed to land at Diego Garcia, the highly secret US base built on a rock in the Indian Ocean.

Part of the theory is that the administration kept the loss secret because they did not want the publicity of allowing such valuable equipment to be poorly secured and captured and secondly, to prevent the Chinese from knowing that they were planning to recapture the equipment.

The airline crew may or may not have been part of the skyjacking.

What happened to the passengers? They could have been deprived of Oxygen during the flight. After the captured equipment had been unloaded, the plane could have been flown again, with the “black box” removed and ditched in the ocean with the dead passengers aboard and the pilot rescued by boat or helicopter.

All of these conspiracy theories could be pure fiction. On the other hand, any one of them could be essentially true.

Why are there so many theories? Why don’t people wait until an investigation is complete and the government issues a report? The obvious answer is that people don’t trust the government to tell the truth about the incident and attempt to rationalize a reasonable scenario based on available information.