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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Students of the true history of the South know that the so-called “Civil War” has never really ended. The issues that divided the nation then persist today. Surrender of the Confederacy followed by the terror of military occupation and “Reconstruction” further strengthened the central government that is now virtually out-of-control and unrestrained by the states that have been bullied and bribed into doing the bidding of the power-hungry Washington-based slave masters.

A major battle in the current phase of the war is taking place in the Republican Party. The Conservative, Christian, Tea-Party base of the party that gave Republicans control of the U. S. House in 2010 is becoming more and more active. This internal threat to leadership is striking fear in the hearts of the “liberal Democrat-Light” GOP national leadership.

Richard Viguerie, “one of the creators of the modern conservative movement,” coined the description. Recently he commented that “Republican Congressional leaders … are meeting to declare a civil war against Conservatives who are the base of the Republican Party.” The GOP since 2010 has reorganized to rule the party faithful from the top down. The Republican “elite” like the Progressive “elite” are so arrogant and drunk with power that they think they know better than the voters for whom they should cast their ballots do.

It is becoming clear that the Republican national organization will be supporting liberal incumbents against conservative challengers in the 2014 congressional elections. In 2016, the national Republican organization will predictably pick a Bush or a Christie type and push their candidacy while undermining the candidacy of the more conservative Cruz or Paul type candidates.

Viguerie writes: “Since the purpose of the weekend meeting at the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island in Florida is to raise money and strategizing as to how to defeat limited-government constitutional conservatives in Republican primaries, this meeting is an act of war by Eric Cantor and the Republican Congressional leadership.

“By fighting conservatives, Republican congressional leaders are publicly acknowledging they do not share the core values of conservatives and Tea Partyers, including limited government, fidelity to the constitution, lower taxes, balanced budget, significantly reducing the size, scope, and reach of the federal government.

“The Republican primary voters will now be able to clearly see who are the principled conservatives versus those candidates receiving support from the Ruling Class, Crony Capitalists such as Karl Rove, John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell,” Viguerie explained.

Greenville County has the largest number of conservative voters of any County in South Carolina and the local conservative Republican Executive Committee has been out of favor with the State Republican Party Chairmen. It will be challenging to avoid a break between Republican Party leaders and the conservative voters of the Upstate in the upcoming elections.

Richard Viguerie appears to have a clear understanding of the problems conservatives have with Republican leaders.

“Grass roots conservatives wish Republican leaders could get as angry at the lawlessness of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats as they do at conservatives.

“This meeting is proof that the Republican Establishment thinks the Tea Party is alive, strong, and a major threat to their existence.” And their existence is apparently more important to them than saving the constitutional republic.

The “Civil War” continues!