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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Recent events have pushed the nation closer to the possible impeachment of President Barack Obama. It appears that public pressure has finally forced House Speaker John Boehner to appoint a select House committee to investigate the Benghazi scandal and cover-up. An email obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch has linked the Benghazi cover-up to the White House. This raises and helps to answer the question: “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”

Readers familiar with Watergate will recall that President Nixon had nothing to do with the Watergate break-in. In fact, he knew nothing about it before it took place. He was forced to resign because he allegedly participated in a cover-up following the incident.

President Obama may have been a participant in the act as well as the alleged cover-up.

At least 15 members of Congress have publicly discussed impeachment as a possible solution in dealing with presidential overreach and other infractions, including lying and selectively enforcing laws according to a report by wnd.com.

Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina is one of four United States Senators who have discussed impeachment. All are Republicans. They are Senators Tom Coburn and James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Ted Cruz of Texas.

U. S. House members on record discussing impeachment of President Obama are: Steve King of Iowa, Blake Farenhold of Texas, Steve Stockman of Texas, Bill Florez of Texas, Duncan Hunter of California, Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan, Jason Chaffetz of Utah, Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Trey Radel of Florida and Ted Yoho of Florida.

A new and important media voice has joined the chorus in Congress calling for Obama’s impeachment, citing his “handling of the fatal onslaught of the U. S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, and the subsequent cover-up.”

Fox News program host Judge Jeanine Pirro launched an on-air attack on the President during her Saturday night, May 3, program. Judge Pirro is articulate, fearless and influential. Her assessment was sharp and to the point.

“Mr. President, it’s called an abrogation of duty. You have not taken seriously your oath to honestly and faithfully execute the duties of your office. As commander-in-chief, you have NOT protected us. This dereliction of duty as commander-in-chief demands your impeachment.

“Your cover-up was for political advantage. The promotion thereafter of virtually everyone involved in your conspiracy and the stonewalling of congress, the denying of access to key witnesses all adds up to a classic cover-up.

“And what’s that? You were elected? Judge Pirro rhetorically asked.

“There is no contract with someone who thinks that the American people are nothing more than pawns in an all-consuming power play to change who we are as a nation.

“You swore to protect and defend the American people, but instead you left Americans to die, not lifting a finger to help them. Mr. President, none of us want to believe that our president will let Americans die, but the arrogance, the failure to act, the lies, the cover-up make it clear that you, Mr. President, have defrauded the American people.

“You, Mr. President, have violated your constitutional oath. You have not faithfully executed your duties in the office of president.”

With Democrats in control of the Senate, the House Republican leadership will use that fact as an excuse not to impeach Obama. The House impeached Bill Clinton, but the Democrat-controlled Senate refused to put him on trial.

Democrats and especially the president are clearly in trouble; therefore, we can expect a series of dangerous October surprises this year. Fasten your seat belts!