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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Recent alarming scandals, exposed by whistle blowing employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, have forced the Obama Administration to once again “circle the wagons” and as they have dozens of times in the past, follow their “surprise, deny, express anger and blame Bush action plan” script.

The most alarming allegations are that in order to make statistics look good for the Administration, a la Obamacare implementation, records have been falsified and veterans have been needlessly allowed to die without adequate and timely medical care. Lying to defend the regime agenda is acceptable and frequently results in promotion to senior positions.  

Bureaucrats in the VA, despite rhetoric to the contrary, are aware that the current Commander in Chief and his anti-war, pro-Communist political appointees loathe the military and veterans and have officially labeled them enemies of the government. The path to advancement for both military and civilians at the highest levels of this Administration is to carry out the unwritten policies of the regime. This environment breeds gutless generals and admirals and incompetent civilian administrators capable of abusing power and violating laws they have sworn to uphold.

First of all, it is important to note that the VA has some of the more competent and dedicated medical professionals and administrators in the government. The VA also has some of the most worthless bureaucrats. That is to be expected, because the VA is the best example we have in this country of socialized medicine and what Obamacare will be like when fully implemented. “If you like the VA, you will love Obamacare.”

A current danger is that the Progressives working for Obama will use the present crisis to dump veterans into MEDICAID where rationing of medication and care along with “death panels” are already operational with little public notice or opposition.

The problems in the VA are inherent in any large bureaucracy riddled with political patronage and influence in hiring top administrators and locating and constructing facilities.

Greenville area veterans have access to an elaborate new facility that is inadequately staffed in some needed areas with medical professionals. It is also alleged that politicians and developers may have derived more benefit from the new facility than any veteran will ever receive.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is attempting to blame the problems at the VA on the Bush Administration, alleging that they conducted a war without anticipating the resulting medical care requirements. This is pure poppycock! Problems have existed in the VA long before Bush arrived on the scene; furthermore, most of the veterans that are being required to wait months for appointments and some allowed to die are from the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Pelosi should blame Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson if the problem belongs to anyone other than Barack Obama who has been in charge of the VA for more than 5 years.

Tragically, it is the veterans of the Korean and Vietnam Wars that liberals hate and want to forget that are most often getting shafted by the VA and other government agencies run by former Vietnam era terrorists. The veterans and their families “who also served” are extremely angry and alarmed that the nation they sacrificed to defend is now governed by the same people that supported and encouraged the Communist enemies that cost countless American lives in Vietnam. Now they are dependent on the turncoats to provide the benefits they earned.

Many veterans are diabetics that require close monitoring of feet. A minor infection caused by improper trimming of toenails or a blister or cut, untreated, can result in amputations and extended costly treatment. Prior to construction of the new Greenville clinic, the VA recognized the need for preventative foot care for veterans suffering from diabetes due to Agent Orange exposure or natural causes and provided scheduled foot care. Foot care is no longer provided veterans due to a lack of medical staffing in the elaborate new facility.

Politicians will use the VA scandals for election year posturing, but no long-term improvements will be realized.