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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:15 AM


First Published in 1994


As the Obama Administration chooses what laws they will enforce or comply with, the United States is moving closer and closer to despotism and tyranny. The alleged abuses by the Administration mirror some of those enumerated against the King of England in the Declaration of Independence. As a remedy for such abuses, the writers of the Declaration conclude: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evidences a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is the right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

As American citizens become more and more oppressed and aware of government abuses, they will attempt to make changes at the polls. Should they become convinced that there is widespread fraud in conduct of elections, such as allowing millions of illegal aliens to vote, and refusing to prosecute election fraud and other abuses, some may attempt to achieve redress through public protest and civil disobedience. This raises the question many are asking: Will members of the Armed Forces of the United States use violence against their fellow citizens if ordered to do so?

The top Generals and Admirals are hand picked by the Administration. Special efforts are being made to recruit and retain administration supporters and force others out.

The remaining question is this: Would the Armed Forces of The United States ever turn their guns on American Civilians?

We didn’t learn about it in school, but it has happened before. Just 150 years ago soldiers from the North operating under orders of their Commander in Chief treated the Southern women and children in ways that would result in charges of war crimes in any war since.

I quote from The Sack & Destruction of Columbia South Carolina by William Gilmore Simms.

Nothing was sacred in their eyes, save the gold and silver, which they bore away. Nor were these acts those of common soldiers. Commissioned officers, of rank so high as that of a colonel, were frequently among the most active in spoliation, and not always the most tender or considerate in the manner and acting of their crimes. And, after glutting themselves with spoil, would often utter the foulest speeches, coupled with oaths as condiment, dealing in what they assumed, besides, to be bitter sarcasms upon the cause and country.

“Ladies were hustled from their chambers – their ornaments plucked from their persons, their bundles from their hands. It was in vain that the mother appealed for the garments of their children. They were torn from her grasp and hurled into the flames. The young girl striving to save a single frock, had it rent to fibers in her grasp. Men and women bearing off their trunks were seized, despoiled, in a moment the trunk burst asunder with the stroke of an axe or gun –butt, the contents laid bare, rifled of all the objects of desire, and the residue sacrificed to the fire.

“Her condition was very helpless. Her life hung upon a hair. The soldiers were appraised of all the facts in the case. They burst into the chamber- took the rings form the lady’s fingers – plucked the watch from beneath her pillow, and so overwhelmed her with terror, that she sank under the treatment – surviving their departure only a day or two.

We need for the sake of truth and humanity, to put on record the horrid deeds. And yet, we should grossly err if, while showing the forbearance of the soldiers in respect to white women, we should convey to an innocent reader the notion that they exhibited a like forbearance in the case of the black. The poor Negroes were terribly victimized by their assailants, many of them, being left in a condition little short of death. Regiments, in successive relays, subjected scores of these poor women to the torture of their embraces, and – but we dare not further pursue the subject. There are some horrors, which the historian dare not pursue – which the painter dare not delineate. They both drop the curtain over crimes which humanity bleeds to contemplate.

Human beings unrestrained by moral, ethical and spiritual boundaries are capable of unthinkable atrocities. May no American citizen ever again experience what many of our ancestors experienced at the hands of the Union Army 150 years ago – but it will happen unless we return to a nation of laws before things get out of hand.