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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:14 AM


First Published in 1994


For the second time since World War II, the political leaders of the United States have undermined and betrayed the members of the armed forces of the United States. It required decades of inspiring leadership to overcome the first betrayal. This betrayal will not be so easily overcome nor will it likely be the last.

Our government abandoned Iraq, creating a vacuum and knowing the terrorists would fill it as soon as our combat troops were gone. The President has already announced that he is pulling our combat troops out of Afghanistan, setting up the same scenario for that troubled country.  

Talk to an Infantryman who spent one, two or three tours risking his life day and night fighting to gain control of Mosul or Tikrit. They lost friends to enemy action during every deployment. They left their spouses and children behind, possibly never to see them again. Finally, they get to come home permanently, but with severe wounds, loss of limbs and trouble sleeping without nightmares and trouble adjusting to civilian life without horrible flashbacks.

With few exceptions, people that join the Armed Forces of the United States, put on the uniform and take the oath to follow orders from the Commander in Chief and the chain of command, are patriotic and serious about serving their country.  When they swear to “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” they accept their obligations without reservation or purpose of evasion.   They understand that they may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice. At the same time, they have no tolerance for individuals in or outside the chain of command that would through intentional or incompetent decisions risk the lives of service members engaged in mortal combat.

Images of Islamist terrorists leaving Mosul with convoys of United States Army and Marine Corps weapons and vehicles headed for Baghdad is a vivid reminder of similar images from Vietnam some 40-years ago. These military vehicles and weapons had been turned over to the Iraqi Army that had been trained by Americans and the politicians in Washington, DC, had assured the public that they had been adequately trained and were capable of filling the void left by the departure of American forces.

The Iraqi troops have two problems: They have no confidence in their current government and they know that they can’t count on the President of the United States to send help. Therefore, when the band of terrorists arrived at Balad Air Force Base near Tikrit, and ordered the Iraq Security Forces defending the base to throw down their weapons or be killed, they complied. This left 200 American Contract personnel to defend themselves using the abandoned weapons, American military advisors having already evacuated, according to a report by Jerome Corsi in wnd.com.

The ISIS intends to create an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. An especially brutal murderer named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi heads it. He was a prisoner captured by U. S. troops and held in an Iraq prison until released by the Obama Administration when American Combat troops were removed from Iraq. When he was released from the military prison in Iraq, al-Baghdadi informed the USA: “Soon we will be in direct confrontation. The sons of Islam have prepared for such a day.”

The Obama Administration was clearly unprepared for the ISIS victories, and President Obama said it would be a few days before he decides a course of action. The Pentagon has prepared contingency plans to respond to this situation, however, this president does not accept advice from the military.

In addition to seizing military equipment, the ISIS allegedly took over a bank holding half a billion American dollars. The sad situation is that Iran appears to be the only nation with the ability and will to prevent ISIS from taking Baghdad and the entire country of Iraq.

While President Obama, Hillary Clinton and their cronies are saying the ISIS takeover of the second largest city in Iraq and threat to take Baghdad is a regional problem, senior retired military and intelligence experts say that as soon as they consolidate their Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) they will be  capable of terrorist activities inside the United States and Europe and can be expected to launch attacks soon with our open borders and incompetent government providing them a great advantage.

Vietnam Veterans: We are being betrayed again!