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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:14 AM


First Published in 1994


Dear Readers, Our civil liberties are in danger. Lawmakers, Judges and the President are routinely violating their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There is no justice emanating from the Justice Department. We have moved from the “rule of law” to the “rule of man.” This is intentional. It is part of a plan to “fundamentally change” the constitutional republic to a socialistic dictatorship. We have already begun the journey down this road. The farther we go the harder it will be to turn back. In fact we may have already passed the point of no return.

We ignore these facts at our own peril. On this Independence Day it would be wise for us to pause for a moment and think about the price our ancestors paid for the freedom we are in danger of losing due to our collective ignorance, procrastination and inaction.

Politicians would have us believe that all we will have to do to regain freedom taken away by the Obama Regime in eight years is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President – Not So!

This regime does not intend to relinquish power. The Obama followers have a strategy to determine who will be the next president. Part of that strategy is to encourage the useful idiots at the RNC to separate itself from the conservative base that is necessary for Republicans to win. The Socialist Progressives have a strategy for each state. With the help of “fellow traveler” RINOs the Progressives have maintained open primaries in conservative Southern States so that they can order their “subjects” to vote for the preferred Republican candidate in Republican primaries when election of a Democrat is unlikely in the General Election.

Allow me to present a couple of example of how the current regime will retain power and control over our lives even if they lose the Presidency and Congress.

By the time Obama’s term is over, the federal courts will be packed with socialist Obama clones that will shape the judiciary for decades to come.

Career civil service positions in every department of government are being filled with leftists who think, believe and act just like Obama. A former Justice Department official reported recently that every single career slot in the Justice Department has been filled with Obama and Eric Holder clones. This is happening throughout the government.

The bureaucrats run the government. No matter who is President in the future, these leftist bureaucrats will run things. It will be virtually impossible for a conservative president and congress to change direction of policy with these people working against them and with the help of a liberal, leftist media, undermining and opposing every move they make.

In order to compete with tyrants, supporters of the Constitution must take drastic measures. That would include taking the funding from entire government agencies and departments and creating necessary functions elsewhere.

When Bill Clinton was elected and brought in Janet Reno and Eric Holder to run the Justice Department, he immediately fired every single assistant attorney general that had been appointed by his predecessor. When George W. Bush attempted to replace a few of those people, the Democrats and media made such a fuss that he abandoned his plans.

John Dean, a young liberal lawyer recommended to President Nixon by Attorney General John Mitchell to be a presidential legal advisor, planned and executed the Watergate Break-in and delivered the so-called enemies-list to the late Johnny Walters at the IRS.

Nixon knew nothing about Watergate except what Dean told him. He lost his presidency for trying to protect people like Dean who was the real criminal but became the darling of the liberal media and the radical left that hated Nixon.

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution cannot be self-enforcing. Government officials must respect their oaths to uphold the Constitution; and we the people must be vigilant in seeing that they do. It is up to us, to each generation, to preserve and protect it for ourselves and for future generations. For the Constitution will live only if it is alive in the hearts and minds of the American people.

The torch has been passed to us. Our civil liberties are in jeopardy. What are we doing about it?