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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Independence Day weekend provided an opportunity to reflect on the genius of our Founding Fathers and their dependence on “Divine Guidance” as they crafted our founding documents. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States are based on Biblical principles and designed to govern a “moral people.” For centuries Americans have protected and  revered the Constitution.

More recently, we have elected immoral people who do not honor their oath of office or abide by the Constitution.

Members of America’s “Greatest Generation” that survived the horrors of World War II experienced unprecedented economic opportunities. Millions of Americans, who had lived in “poverty” during the Great Depression, prior to the war, advanced into the growing Middle Class following the war. Thousands of other Americans achieved great wealth during the economic boom following the World War. Having destroyed our enemies, becoming self-sufficient and perceiving less dependence on God, many veteran heroes failed to pass their wisdom and values on to their children. They sent them to the “best” universities to have their world-view shaped.

Well-intended parents did not realize that while the U. S. was allied with the Soviet Union, Communists were infiltrating our government, media and university classrooms. Tragically, many children of the Greatest Generation were indoctrinated and trained by university professors to destroy what their parents had fought, sacrificed and worked to create and preserve.

Many children of leaders of corporate America and government, became domestic terrorists. They engaged in riots, arson and murder, claiming to be opposed to the Vietnam War, but their true cause was anti-American. Most of the young terrorists were never prosecuted nor held accountable for their crimes due to the influence of their wealthy or politically connected parents.

Through supporters in the media and government, these young terrorists were able to turn many Americans against their own troops their government had sent to fight the Communists in Vietnam. Eventually, with public support, they were able to have the congress cut off all funds for U.S. and Vietnamese troops and abandon the people we had pledged to defend, who were executed or locked in reeducation labor camps.  Actions of the domestic terrorists and a gullible American public allowed the Communists to declare a victory in Vietnam, after they had been defeated on the battlefield.

As years passed, Americans were told that Communism was dead and was no longer a threat, and many continue to believe the lie. All the while, the Sixties domestic terrorists were adopting the Saul Alinsky model of undermining the republic from within. They cut their hair, shaved, took a bath and wore a coat and tie and quietly, with the help of radicals already inside, slipped into influential decision-making positions in American institutions.

Only after one of their own became President of the United States did the public learn that admitted terrorist Bill Ayers had become a professor at the University of Chicago and his wife, convicted terrorist Bernadette Dorn, was teaching law at Northwestern University.

Sixties Radicals now control the White House, the President’s cabinet and the United States Senate. The undercover former Weather Underground members recruited and trained students Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama in the Alinsky Method of revolution.

Prior to assuming office, President elect Obama clearly stated his identity and intentions: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”

Now that the students of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, have virtual total control of the powers and agencies of the United States Government, President Obama has fully implemented the Cloward-Piven strategy and has manufactured a crisis at the Southern Border to collapse the economy and destroy the constitutional republic.

In the simplest terms, the Cloward-Piven strategy employed by the Obama Administration is “to collapse the financial system. The tactic is chaos. If a crisis does not exist, create one. The more chaos the better. The solution is always couched in empathetic words like “fair, equal, humane, and just.”

The liberty that was won with blood of our ancestors is slipping away. We are allowing it to happen. Will God Bless America Again?