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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


While President Obama is plowing ahead with his ruthless plans to "radically transform America,” Globalists are accelerating implementation of a “One World Government.” Most Americans are not paying attention and are oblivious to the scheme that has been public for more than a decade but has been denied by elected officials and most of the news media, including FOX News.

On June 18, 2014, in London, Retired General and former CIA Director David Petraeus proclaimed that the United States of America is set to be merged into the continental regime being erected under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The New American reported that during the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty, “the ex-commander of U. S. Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq essentially celebrated the end of U. S. independence – and by extension, the demise of the Constitution.”

During the Clinton and G. W. Bush Administrations many readers of this column were concerned about plans for all to see on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) website that detailed the pending merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Concerned citizens questioned our members of Congress. Then Congressman Bob Inglis was emphatic in his response that no such plan existed. The worried citizens were ridiculed and labeled “conspiracy theorists.”

Along came Barack Obama and his crises generation machine and people worried about NAFTA and the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico became distracted and fully engaged in dealing with the almost daily distractions the Obama Administration dished out.

Progress toward implementation did not stop nor did it slow down. In fact, it has accelerated under Obama, and refusal to close the border and send illegal aliens home is part of the implementation of the CFR plan to eliminate the United States as a sovereign, constitutional republic.

David Petraeus predicted the “coming North American decade” and boasted about how the economies of the three countries have been put "together” during the past 20 years as part of the implementation of NAFTA. Petraeus is a key figure in the CFR and is also reportedly affiliated with the globalist Bilderberg network. He is well-connected with those power brokers that created and control Obama. Despite a major sex scandal, the retired General has lost none of his influence at the national and international levels.

The planned gradual merger of the three North American countries is real and if fully implemented will mean the end to the United States Constitution and it’s guarantee of freedom for our citizens. Our representatives in Congress are either incapable or unwilling to get involved and take a public stand on this critical national security issue.

The New American provided an assessment and an opinion:

“If Americans do not rise up soon to stop the dangerous ‘integration’ schemes, their national sovereignty and independence will continue to be eroded until it is all but gone. The loss of U. S. independence will inevitably be accompanied by the further loss of freedom, self-government, God-given rights, and likely prosperity as well.

“That is what Globalists such as Petraeus and his cohorts at the CFR and Bilderberg intend. Whether they will get their wish, though, depends largely on the levels of resistance mustered by everyday Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians to the wild plot.”

NAFTA and the North American merger should be added to the questions asked candidates seeking election to Congress this fall. Incumbents can no longer deny the existence of the merger scheme.