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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Official and unofficial reports indicate that hundreds of illegals will be transported to South Carolina between August 9 and October 20. Some 200 ranging from age7 to 20 will reportedly be sent to Greenville directly from the border with Mexico. Another 150 will reportedly be arriving in the Southern Greenville County town of Simpsonville during the same time period.

Obviously we  don’t know who or what to believe, however, we know that our Southern border is open and people from every part of the world, both adults and children are pouring in by the thousands. It is quite apparent that the leftist radicals in control of the Democrat Party are orchestrating this massive invasion of our country from inside the Obama Administration.

A Border Agent assigned to the McAllen, Texas, patrol station told a radio station talk show host that illegal aliens crossing the Rio Grande are slipping through the cracks and will soon begin “affecting the entire nation, possibility even coming to your town.”

The “children, age 20 and younger will not be returned to their country of origin. They will be joined by their adult and minor relatives either already in the country or from their country of origin.

President Obama will issue an Executive Order in late September that will grant legal status to thousands of illegals.  He will follow that order with another one giving the vote to all who were granted legal status. Millions of individuals entering the country illegally in key districts will register and vote in the November 2014 General Election. Anyone interfering with those newcomers voting will be accused of violating election rights laws. Charges filed against the voting newcomers will get nowhere and will likely be thrown out by the Holder Justice Department.

Disease outbreaks are occurring in the border area camps where the aliens are housed. Observers are warning that the disease problems will not be confined to the border states. “They are going north and this is going to affect the entire country. Medical problems, gang members that we’re releasing, these problems are going to be coming to your town,” said Chris Cabrera vice president of Local 3307 chapter of the National Border Patrol Council representing approximately 17,000 agents.

Agents report that illegals crossing the border have been told in their countries to get across the border from Mexico to the United States any way they can and “Obama will take care of you.”

Estimates that 60,000 unaccompanied minors would cross the border from Mexico in 2014 has already been passed. It is estimated that more than 120,000 will enter the county before years end.

Except for Governor Perry of Texas, Republicans are doing nothing but talking. The country thousands of young men have died defending is being invaded by foreigners on foot and subverted from within by individuals in our own government, and Republicans in Congress and state capitols are doing nothing to stop the invasion or the subversion.

What will the governor of South Carolina and local sheriffs do when a bus load of alien children arrive? Will they be quarantined until they are declared medically disease free?

The latest word from the Governor of South Carolina  is that she has no word from the Federal government regarding any alien children coming to this state.

The cost of dealing with all these people is one issue. The  open border and failure to enforce laws is another. The most frightening issue of all is the fear of terrorism, drug gangs and disease epidemics.

It appears that the Obama Administration along with both their loyal and misguided followers are openly inviting problems into our cities and communities and have plans for a scheduled massive crises that only the federal government can deal with if granted enhanced police powers.

If they don’t have such a plan to deal with the problems they are creating, we could very soon expect open rebellion and anarchy. We can only pray for sanity in Washington and Columbia.