Semantics, secrecy and deception are key elements of the Obama regime’s strategy to fundamentally change the United States of America from a constitutional republic to a leftist, one-world, Islamic dictatorship. When candidate Obama said, “We are the ones we have been waiting for,” and “We will fundamentally change America,” the cult of Saul Alinsky Marxists, Bill Ayers and Islamic terrorists knew what he was saying. It was a message to them to join the Obama team, seize power and use the power and finances of government to destroy the country they hate and have been trying openly to destroy since the 1960s and before.
This was one of the first uses of Semantics by Obama to use different meanings and interpretations of words, phrases or sentences to communicate different messages to different people. Use of semantics is now a routine daily practice of Obama and his minions – and, not unlike the Delphi Technique, it continues to work on target groups.
Conservative voters were disturbed and sensed that Obama was not a qualified candidate, and virtually everything about him was a lie or hidden from public view. However, the timid Republican candidate for president, who has too late become one of Obama’s strongest critics, would not listen and attacked anyone who suggested that Obama was anything but a patriotic African-American who should be treated with the utmost respect to avoid offending voters of color whose votes he would seek.
The third group, the ones Limbaugh refers to as the “low information voters,” did not have a clue. If he was good for Opra and Al Sharpton he was good for them. A large segment of the population continued to be responsive to updated promises of “ten acres and a mule.” The difference this time was the promise of free “stuff” like free cell phones and a redistribution of wealth from the rich folks to the poor folks. It worked.
White guilt, created by the indoctrination of students, resulted in a generation of young adults and college students being willingly deceived by Obama and voting to destroy their future in a free country. The New Age religion crowd was so moved by candidate Obama that many adopted him as their Messiah.
The United States has been at war with Islamic terrorists for more than a decade. ISIS has beheaded two American civilians in recent weeks, distributed video’s of the atrocities and threatened to bring their attack to our cities and hang their flag on the White House, yet Obama will not refer to their behavior as an act of war. He is promising to respond with warplanes in both Iraq and Syria, and calls it a counter insurgency operation.
To this day, the Obama regime refers to the Islamic slayings of military personnel at Fort Hood as “workplace violence.” The regime is treating all acts of war by Islamic terrorists as criminal acts to be handled by Attorney General Eric Holder, rather than the Department of Defense.
Through the skillful use of semantics and the change of definitions of words and the banishing of other words from the politically correct vocabulary, the Obama cult has managed to make evil sound good and good sound evil. There is no organized effort to oppose this bastardization of the language.
It is difficult for some Americans to accept the fact that government officials they elected have no morals or ethics guiding their decisions and motives and therefore have no limits or constraints on how much they lie or deceive.
Muslim Brotherhood types are serving in key positions in the government of the United States. There are terrorist killings on a small scale already in this country and they are being ignored by the government and most of the media. Just last week a terrorist who had murdered three people was arrested and confessed that he did it for “Allah.”
Some of our fellow Americans are so naïve and trusting that they cannot conceive of a situation where hundreds of thousands of Americans could be killed in their own homes or beheadings could occur in some of our gun-free schools or businesses.
Most of our more competent and experienced national defense experts are predicting that unless our President goes all-out to destroy ISIS and all the other Islamic terrorist groups quickly, there will be massive killings here.