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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994



You no doubt see a “red flag” when President Barack Hussein Obama states emphatically that members of the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), who routinely behead individuals who refuse to convert to Islam, are not Islamic.

You may have noticed, also, that Obama and his spokesmen in the State and Defense Departments and elsewhere do not use the term ISIS. They routinely change the name of the organization and talk about the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) without making a distinction or giving an explanation. Why would they so blatantly do such a thing?

By doing a little research, I found that “the geographical term ‘Levant’ refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look at a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant,” you will see Israel.


“When Barack Obama refers over and over to the Islamic State of ISIL, he is sending a message to Muslims all over the Middle East that he personally does not recognize Israel as a sovereign nation, but as territory belonging to the Islamic State.” It is puzzling that no one in the Congress or media has the courage to ask why or even recognize the difference in terminology used by Obama and his political appointees.

Could this be the explanation for the President’s refusal to follow the advice of his military leaders? They have suddenly come to a point of refusing to be “Yes Men” and publicly stating that the President’s approach to dealing with ISIS, with no boots on the ground, has no guarantee of success?

According to critics and military professionals, “Obama has a plan, and it’s a really nasty, diabolical one. Obama’s plan is to drag his feet for as long as he can, doing only the bare minimum that Congress forces him to do. His plan is to buy ISIS as much time as possible to make as many gains as they can.”

This is a horrible indictment of our elected president and his followers, however, none of them have countered the accusation and the people in uniform who know what is happening are more terrified of the leadership in the executive branch than of their foes on the battlefield. They know how to defeat an enemy if allowed to do so, however, when the problem is in their chain of command they have no remedy. The American people through their members of Congress must take action to protect our troops from betrayal at the highest levels of government.

Claims that President Obama only recently learned about the threat from ISIS are blatantly false. It is known that a report on the intentions, growth and dangers from ISIS were contained in the President’s daily briefings for more than a year.

“Boots on the ground,” is a play on words used by the Obama Administration. The President has already deployed 1,600 troops to Iraq who are serving with Iraqi military units as advisors. They are extremely vulnerable to becoming killed or captured or sold for a ransom to ISIS. In my view, as a former army unit commander and veteran of the Vietnam War, it is criminal neglect and incompetence by the chain of command to put advisors in Iraq in the current fluid environment without adequate security provided by US military combat units.

Whether intentional or not, the Obama Administration policies of bombing a truck or oil drum a couple of times a day, and little more except telling them in advance what we will and will not do, are aiding the goals of ISIS and ISIL. Their policies are also endangering American lives now and in the future.

The Islamic State has garnered millions of dollars, a vast cache of weapons, and in their latest foray have captured Syrian fighter jets and now 12 commercial passenger planes. With each passing day that Obama does little or nothing, the Islamic State grows by leaps and bounds. The ultimate goal, of course, has not changed and will never change. The ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel.

The United States is the only nation capable of stopping these madmen – and stop them we must – if not by choice, it will be by necessity. The longer we tarry, the more expensive it will be in dollars and lives.