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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


What would strike more terror in your heart, exposure to the deadly Ebola virus, or a crazed Islamic radical with a knife at your throat? You could rationalize that the knife of the radical would result in swift death and the virus would result in long agonizing suffering with a chance for survival. The frightening truth is that any American could face either situation. Both situations would create intense fear and terror in the victim and potential victims. The goal of terrorists is the spread of terror. It is not known whether terrorists are using Ebola as a weapon, but they could easily do so.

A month ago the beheading of a grandmother by a radical Muslim and as many as one-hundred people exposed to Ebola in Dallas, Texas, would seem impossible, but “Shazam!” Both are happening here and now. (The United States government that for much of our lifetimes has been respected by the rest of the world.)  Until recently, the worst thing any individual, group or nation could do would be to harm an American citizen. Citizens could travel throughout most of the world without fear of being kidnapped or killed. That is no longer the case. Americans are no longer safe in their own country and cities.

Madmen wearing hoods armed with knives and shouting quotes from the Islamic holy book are holding our national leaders hostage.  Our elected president is shaking in his golf shoes and afraid to acknowledge these cruel killers are who they say they are. He shows them respect and pays them homage at each opportunity to do so.

First, our President said it would never happen here, and he did nothing to prevent it from happening. Now he is doing nothing to stop it from spreading. He refuses to stop people from coming from countries where the Ebola virus is epidemic, and he is refusing to admit that the beheading of an innocent woman in Oklahoma by a fanatic Muslim is terror.

It is customary for government leaders to lie to the people to prevent panic under certain circumstances. The license to lie was expanded and abused during the Vietnam War. It began with a fabricated lie by the Johnson Administration to get Congress to support the war and ended with a lie in order to get the American people to accept surrender by Congress after the military had won the war.

Political appointees in the Obama Administration routinely lie, if for no other reason, just to be consistent with previous lies. They tell the enemy everything that will give them an advantage. They know in advance what our military forces will do and will not be allowed to do. As a result, the bombing in Iraq and Syria is very ineffective and our aircrews are endangered.

We refuse to have people on the ground to direct the air strikes to important targets, however, the President is ordering thousands of troops from Forts Campbell and Bragg to Africa, supposedly to fight the Ebola virus. They refuse to say what the troops are going to do, however it is definitely what they are recruited, trained and paid to do.

At the same time, the Islamic terrorists have issued an order to their Muslim Brothers in the United States to track down and behead the spouses and children of U. S. service members. This has a very negative impact on troop morale, and will cause chaos should it happen just once.

Remember this: Patriots who volunteer to risk their lives protecting the Constitution of the United States from foreign enemies are no less committed to protecting it from domestic enemies. They have sworn to do so.

A case can be made that we are experiencing the better days of the next two years right now. The Obama Administration is on its best behavior trying to influence the results of the November 4 General Election. Do what you can to equip your friends and neighbors with truth and pray that the enemies of freedom and justice will not return to control either house of Congress.