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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:24 AM


First Published in 1994


The 2014 General Election is just four weeks away. It is probably the most important Congressional election in our lifetime – and it could be the last free election unless American voters wake-up, become informed, seek truth and take their country back by electing candidates with high moral and ethical standards and insisting that they live up to their oath of office and execute their duties in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.

Politicians, even good ones, and political parties cannot solve the problems of this country and world. They have made too much of a mess out of it already. If our republic is to survive the current situation, individuals must become informed, armed with truth and actively involved in seeking  divine intervention.

I realize this is strong language and there will be those who say it is an exaggeration. “Things have been bad before,” they rationalize, “and we have always survived and come out victorious.” Things are not as they were before. We have Islamic sympathizers and Communists in every department of government. A “house divided against itself will not stand.”

Therein lies the problem. Our leaders, either intentionally or through ignorance or incompetence, are underestimating the strength and commitment of our enemies, and gullible people are being deceived.

Due to the lack of leadership and diminishing strength of the United States, the world and out country are being torn apart. Finally, many citizens who have been ignoring what was happening around them are beginning to exhibit concern. When a majority of the people become aware of the situation of our country and world as they truly are, there will be widespread panic and hysteria. Those days may not be far off.

I was surprised last weekend by a statement from Dr. Ben Carson, one of the calmest, mild-mannered individuals on the political scene. Dr. Carson is almost certain to be one of the Republican candidates for President in 2016. In response to a question, Dr. Carson said he would not be surprised if there would be so much chaos in the country and world by November 2016 that the Presidential election would be suspended. For Carson to make such a statement indicates to me that people who know are very fearful  of  B.O.

Believe it or not we are engaged in a world war for survival. We have no choice. The enemy has pledged to kill us or have us convert to their religion and restrictive laws. There is no opportunity to negotiate. The enemy does not compromise. They are very willing, even anxious, to die for their cause.

A recent survey of U.S. military personnel revealed that only 15 percent of the troops had any confidence in the Commander-in-Chief. That is frightening. When troops do not have confidence in their leaders, they do not perform at their peak proficiency. When they do not perform well, they become casualties and cause casualties. Soldiers should never be committed to battle without capable leaders.

It was reported recently that the United States has only 4 brigades that are “combat ready” out of a total of some 40 brigades on paper. The current administration is not replacing equipment or ammunition in sufficient quantities to sustain combat for a prolonged period of time.

It is becoming crystal clear that Mr. Obama has no intention of achieving victory and destroying the Islamic terrorists and their will to fight. That means they will be victorious or our troops later on will pay a heavy price in blood and lives to destroy them.

It is not discussed in the media, however, that Russia and China are quietly backing the Islamic terrorists and Iran. While we are distracted by ISIS, Iran – with the help of Communists in North Korea and elsewhere – is developing their nuclear weapons as our government constrains Israel from taking action to stop them.

Unless there is a change in personnel or attitudes in the White House, Dr. Carson’s fears may become reality and, with two more years of this regime, we may become more interested in personal survival than in politics and elections by 2016.