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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:27 AM


First Published in 1994


By the time you read this piece, the 2014 General Election will be history. Your humble writer will admit that I was skeptical of the “rosy” predictions of a Republican landslide and takeover of the United States Senate in half-dozen close Senate races. The basis for my skepticism was the likelihood of widespread voter fraud.

Voter fraud supported by government officials at every level from county seat to the White House in Washington, D.C. is a major part of Democrat Party strategy. It has worked for them in the past and was certainly predictable in this election because of its importance to success of the Obama agenda.

While Democrats count on the “blind loyalty” of “African-American” voters, that may be shrinking because an increasing number of self-made black citizens are refusing to obediently serve the Democrat “slave-masters.” Their new “secret weapon” is “non-citizen” voters.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said recently that a new study by an organization affiliated with Old Dominion and George Mason Universities confirmed Judicial Watch’s “working theory that foreign nationals illegally vote in federal elections in large numbers and have allowed Democrats, including this president, to steal elections.”

“This is why the left does not want voter ID, loves same-day registration, by mail voting, etc., and craves amnesty and open borders,” Fitton stressed. “It is not about the Hispanic vote, it is about the illegal alien vote (and the legal alien vote), it is about stealing elections. Makes all the talk about targeting, messaging, issues, candidates and policy seem quaint.”

The new study estimated that as many as nearly 2.8 million non-citizens may have voted in the 2008 presidential election with 81.8 percent of the illegal vote going to Barack Obama compared to 17.5 percent going for John McCain. The same study showed that in the 2010 congressional election, 53.8 percent of non-citizens voted for Democrat members of Congress and 30.7 percent voted for Republicans.

Judicial Watch explains that most illegal aliens do not register or vote; however enough do to change the outcome of elections. North Carolina is an excellent example where non-citizen voters can influence the outcome of an election. Obama won North Carolina in 2008 by 14,177 votes. Authors of the study said a turnout of only 5.1 percent of North Carolina’s adult non-citizens would have provided this victory margin.

The current Senate race in North Carolina may produce a decent Senate win as a direct result of illegal alien votes and there have already been reports of non-citizen early voting.

Funny face comedian Al Franken won a senate seat in Minnesota by only 312 votes. Less than 1 percent (0.65 percent) of Minnesota non-citizens could account for his victory.

The Times Examiner has received evidence and reported voter fraud in South Carolina, however, it is not being officially noted at the state level. Whether the failure is political or the result of incompetence is not known.

Voter fraud was discovered during the 2008 presidential election in Greenville County. Each instance was investigated and evidence found to support fraud was reported to the state. When the U. S. Justice Department blocked the S.C. Voter ID Law, State agencies testified that there was no evidence of voter fraud in South Carolina. Something is very wrong with this situation.

There is opportunity for massive voter fraud in South Carolina and no one is checking to see if it is happening. The Democrats know that, because they and their RINO colleagues control the system. For example, it is possible for a single individual to vote in every county in the state during the same election.

An individual from New York could register to vote in each county in the state by obtaining a mailing address for the county to send the registration card. Using absentee, early or regular voting, the individual could vote in person at the appropriate place or request an absentee ballot and mail it in. No one checks to see if there is duplication between counties and between states.

Private organizations have discovered this happening, however no government election organization is investigating. They are not staffed or funded to do so.

The pre-election polling is virtually meaningless, because the pollsters cannot measure or accurately predict the turnout of Conservative Christians, minorities, and non-citizens or estimate the amount of  voter fraud.