God has blessed America AGAIN! A majority of voters last week rejected the Socialist, Communist, Islamic policies of President Obama and the current anti-American destructive direction of the Democrat party.
The challenge now is for elected Republicans and the RNC to stand firm on the Constitution of the United States and lead the nation in the direction envisioned by the founders and demanded by the voters on November 4, 2014.
The election results and the severe beating given to Democrats have “pushed Obama in a corner” and made him irrelevant. His ego and the Democrat leadership cannot accept that and will become very confrontational. Their first initiative will be on amnesty for illegal immigrants, called “Immigration Reform.”
The president is determined to give the 12 to 30 million illegal aliens (undocumented immigrants) in the country legal status. That means they will be able to legally enter the work force, competing with citizens and many will eventually vote and impact the outcome of elections. This would spell the end to the Republican Party as a national force in presidential contests. That is the objective of Obama and the Democrats.
The Republicans must hold the line and allow nothing to legalize these illegal people from all over the world until the border is effectively closed and controlled and a system is devised to inventory and document those who entered the country illegally.
In an interview with CBS on Sunday, Obama said, “We don’t have the capacity to deport 11 million people – everybody agrees on that.”
No they don’t! That is an excuse like saying: “I can’t eat an elephant.” He can eat an elephant “one bite at a time.”
You seal the border, identify the dangerous criminals and prosecute or deport them and don’t allow them to return. Then you methodically sort out the others and, if they are otherwise law abiding and not living off the government welfare system, consider them for a temporary work permit if their skills are needed. These temporary permits must be reviewed and renewed every 2 years or so. Each time one of these people commits a crime, try them or deport them. Don’t catch them and turn them loose, as is being done now, for criminal activity.
Get control of student visas and those who have outstayed their visas. Enforce the current laws and strengthen them if necessary, but don’t scrap a system that has not been enforced.
The second confrontation is going to be pertaining to the President allowing Iran to build nuclear weapons. Obama is playing a very dangerous game with insane people. This must be stopped. It is the job of the Republican Senate and House to stop it.
Obama is intentionally losing the war against ISIS. The purpose of the United States military is to “destroy the enemy and their will to fight.” Anything short of that is misuse and abuse of power by the Commander-in-Chief. Use of the military for social experimentation and building latrines for Africans is not their job. Republicans must stop it or become irrelevant also.
The Republican-controlled Senate must join the House in investigating and rooting out abuse of power in government offices. Failure to do so over the next two years will spell failure for Republicans.
Finally, the Republican Senate and House must keep their promise to stop Obamacare. We don’t need to hear the excuse that we will do something when you give us a Republican President. We have heard that before.
Republicans in Washington and Columbia need to recognize the fact that the bashing given Democrats could be considered a vote for the Republican Party Platform but definitely not for the Republican Party leaders. If they continue to discriminate against the Republican conservative/constitutional base, they will definitely become extinct.
Under the current laws in South Carolina, the Republican Party is little more than a social club that raises and spends money as lap dogs for the RNC. Under South Carolina election laws, Republicans are not permitted to pick their own candidates. They must allow Democrats equal participation in the selection process. Only if Republican Party hacks become smart enough to understand that Democrats run South Carolina, only then will there be hope for change.
Republicans have been given another chance. Don’t blow it! You may not get another.