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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 PM


First Published in 1994


The Republican “Grand Old Party” has a historic chance to prove it’s worth and lead the United States of America back to it’s roots as a constitutional republic. We begin 2015 with a large Republican majority in both the US House and Senate. If the Republican Lawmakers have the will to do so, they can take the initiative from President Obama. They can demonstrate to the American people precisely who this man Obama really is and what his plan is for undermining the Constitution of the United States and destroying the free enterprise system and Western Judeo-Christian values that have made our nation great. No Republican presidential candidate has had the courage to do that in the previous two election campaigns, consequently Republicans must share the blame for the current problems created by Obama.

If the Republican leadership abides by the Constitution and calls the Democrats out when they lie, they will be in a position with the electorate to retain control of Congress, nominate the right candidate and take the White House in 2016.

As an active Republican since I closeted my United States Army uniform in 1980, after serving under seven Commanders-in-Chief, both Democrat and Republican, during both war and peace, I am hopeful, but not optimistic about the future of the Republican Party. Simply stated, a lot of Conservative Republicans are very unhappy with the current GOP leadership.

The national leadership of the GOP at both the RNC and Congressional levels are big government advocates funded by “big business” that are not opposed to Socialism and Communism if they serve their political goals. They lack the courage to challenge Barack Obama when he is clearly violating the Constitution or boldly lying about their fellow Republicans.

The national Republican leadership is functioning in clear contrast to the Republican Party Platform and grass roots Republican voters that support the platform. The platform calls for smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense, school choice, pro life, pro Constitution, to list a few.

The GOP, much as the Communist and Socialist Democrats in this country, has become a top-down organization. The national GOP is spending a lot of money influencing local primary elections and the election of party loyalists to key party positions at the county and state levels.

Party hacks from the top down are working to discredit and purge from influence in party ranks conservative activists of all stripes. All others are welcome. The terms “Tea Party” and “Libertarian” are definite red flags to the party hacks and are used to label any Conservative activist who rocks the “big tent” boat. The GOP “big tent” welcomes anyone but uncompromising Conservatives.

With regard to the Republican-led Congress, the situation may be summed up in a few words: Members are afraid of the party leadership and the leadership is afraid of Obama. They will, therefore, be ineffective in rolling back the Obama agenda. Case closed!

Looking ahead to the 2016 presidential election, it appears that the big decisions are already made by the coalition of Communists, international bankers and multi-national corporations with the help of the US Chamber of Commerce, media and labor unions.

It will be Hillary and Jeb. No one in the Democrat Party can defeat the Clinton machine. Only Obama could have done it in the past. The Republican establishment has the classic arrangement that works every time to elect the most liberal candidate. Jeb Bush has name recognition and unlimited money. He is married to a Mexican. The party and media will hail Bush as a “moderately conservative” candidate. Bush will be challenged in the GOP Primary by at least a dozen candidates who describe themselves as “conservatives.” They will split the Republican base in a dozen parts and the choice of big government, amnesty, and common core advocates will be Jeb Bush, who will be smashed by the Clinton machine.

Mike Huckabee will capture the Southern Baptist vote, Rick Santorium will get most of conservative Catholics and Rand Paul will get the Libertarians and angry fringe voters.

Should that likely scenario play out as many expect, the Republican Party will cease to exist as a viable instrument in American politics and another organization will take its place to be the critic of a Clinton dynasty that will rule as they please.