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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Now that Republicans have control of both houses of Congress, it is time to get down to the important business of defending the “Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It is also past time for the Congress to do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety and freedom of the American people. This is their first duty.

The Constitution of the United States gives Congress and Congress alone the authority and power to declare war. During the Vietnam War, traitors such as Jane Fonda and Bill Ayers were not charged with crimes for aiding the enemy because the United States was not technically engaged in a declared war. Many of these individuals that cost American lives in Vietnam are in powerful government, academic, media and corporate positions of importance today.

In order to avoid repeating past mistakes that cost American lives, it is time that the United States Congress accepts its responsibility, declares war when necessary, defines treason and acts on the definition.

The United States has been at war with adherents to Radical Islam for more than a decade. The enemy is outspoken in stating publicly that they are at war with the United States, other western interests and Israel. The current President of the United States and his cabinet refuse to correctly name this clearly identifiable enemy.

President Obama will occupy the White House for at least two more years, and he has made it clear that he will not exert more than a token effort to oppose killers representing radical Islam. In fact, since he has been in office, he has spent billions of dollars aiding groups and countries supporting our sworn enemies.

Our President has helped to overthrown governments in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere in order to give power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite military and financial aid from the United States, the people of Egypt threw out the Muslim Brotherhood and President Obama withdrew American support from the new government that is more representative of the Egyptian people,

We have abandoned most of Iraq to the enemy and are in the process of doing the same to Afghanistan. The enemy is now using military guerilla tactics in French, German and British cities to kill targeted individuals, terrorize entire cities and paralyze nations.

Three well-trained Islamic terrorist commandoes killed more than a dozen people in two attacks and have paralyzed Paris for two weeks. People are asking: “Will they come here?” Wake up folks. They are already here. Have we already forgotten the Fort Hood massacre and the woman’s head cut off in Oklahoma City by known Islamic terrorists? Yet our President and other government officials insisted on labeling it “workplace violence” and determining it is a law enforcement matter.

Enemy combatants are being released from Guantanimo Bay and some return to the battlefield to kill our troops.

One of the accepted legal definitions of treason is “The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.”

Members of Congress and many members of the American public are guilty of “willful ignorance” when it comes to gathering facts on our sworn enemy. We must remedy this deficiency lest we have a massive bloodletting on our domestic soil sooner rather than later.

As concerned patriotic citizens, we must pressure Congress to pass a resolution accurately identifying our enemy. They must also be forced to specifically define treason and how it may be applied to help secure our freedom and preserve our historical Judeo-Christian values and traditions.

Time is of the essence. Our enemy is gaining ground across Europe, Africa, North and South America. They are holding key positions throughout the Obama Administration. It is not clear whether Obama could go against the Islamic enemies without experiencing retaliation within his own administration.

Retired military officers and NCOs including flag officers are daily sounding the alarm. The Republican Congress must pay attention. They are the only possible hope short of Divine intervention.