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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Donald Trump is leading the other 16 Republican candidates in the polls because he is talking about the issues that American voters care about. He is connecting with thousands of veterans, thousands of Bible-believing Christians and thousands of common sense conservatives who are faced with the undeniable truth about illegal immigration and other issues.

Trump is also critical of people voters don’t like, and he refuses to apologize for things he says when he knows he is right.  Many veterans are aware that Sen. McCain, as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, could do a lot for veterans during his 30 years in Congress, but has not done so. Veterans who have sacrificed and risked their lives for their country are willing to do it again if necessary, because they took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic.

They believe that some of the most dangerous enemies of the Constitution are serving in government positions of authority. Obama has taken our republic so far down the road toward Communism and tyranny that it will take someone of Trump’s character and self-confidence to turn the nation around and preserve the Constitution.

Trump has enemies, both political and social. And he could become a disappointment, and self-destruct. His political enemies are counting on that happening. As of Monday, August 3, Trump is continuing to gain momentum.

Gravis Marketing released the results of a survey on August 3rd of Republican voters in South Carolina. The poll was conducted on 29-30 July and shows Donald Trump’s huge lead across the country is also reflected in the First in the South primary state, South Carolina.

The Gravis poll shows Trump’s support has grown to 34 percent. His nearest rivals are Dr. Ben Carson, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, all just over 20 percent. All the other candidates were in the single digits, with a margin of error of 4 percent.

Trump’s top man in South Carolina, Jim Merrill, was quoted in a news release saying that South Carolinians are looking for a business man and a leader who can “Make America Great Again.”

Merrill said Trump’s growing support has not gone unnoticed by the Washington elites, political establishment and liberal media, who “unfairly and inaccurately criticize Trump and his positions on issues.

Merrill concluded that, “South Carolinians are all too familiar with this sort of negative campaigning and continue to rise to his defense.”

Trump placed third in a straw poll of Republican Party precinct executive committeemen and presidents Monday night. Governor Walker placed first and Senator Ted Cruz was second. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, considered to be the party favorite, placed 10th in the straw poll. Bush, however, outscored South Carolina’s Senior Senator and “favorite son” Senator Lindsey Graham who was near the bottom of the list.

Trump is blunt in his criticism of President Obama. The Conservative Republican base has wanted a candidate to do that. McCain and Romney were afraid to criticize Obama and would not allow others to do so. That is one of the reasons they lost the election and the respect of the conservative base of their party.

The Republican Party did not want Donald Trump as one of their candidates, however, they have him and must make the best of it.

Trump is forcing the other Republican candidates to deal with issues they and their party does not want to deal with. Failure to control the border and enforce immigration laws and failure to require improvements in service to veterans by the VA are topics the Republican Party and Republicans in Congress don’t want to deal with during an election year.

Trump knows why he is rising in the polls. “I am rising in the polls because I am offering the American people an alternative to the inept career politicians who talk big but never produce results. I have a long track record of producing big results. Very big results.

“I am sick and tired of  China and Mexico and all the other countries beating us at the negotiating table – getting one-sided trade deals from Washington officials.

“America is in deep trouble. The American Dream is dead, but I can bring it back bigger, better and stronger than ever,” Trump boasted.