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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 02:01 AM


First Published in 1994


Two weeks ago, The Times Examiner published its last full sheet hard copy newspaper. The Palmetto State conservative family newspaper is now all digital and available on the internet only. This has been a great adjustment for the entire staff of the newspaper. We no longer need the news racks located across the county from Merietta to Greer and Mauldin. We no longer make a weekly trip to the post office, where we will miss our friends Mary and her team who have been very helpful in many ways.

 We will also miss weekly contact with printers Bodie and the Laurens Advertiser organization that have been a delight to work with for more than a decade.

Probably most of all, we are already missing our excellent staff of volunteers that kept the newspaper going for twenty-five years. 

The sad part of the reorganization is the loss of readers who do not have a computer and don’t want one. At the same time we are gaining a lot of new subscribers and advertisers.

With the reorganization, we will need a lot less office and workspace. Therefore, we will be downsizing soon. We will make an effort to keep the same address that we have always had, but that may not work out.

A few of our subscribers will receive refunds. We regret that they may be slow coming, however we will mail them out as funds become available. And again, we appreciate those who are newcomers.

This is a new venture for us, and so far it has been positive. We are determined to keep the same quality publication we have always had. Thanks to those of you who are staying with us. We look forward to a good future together.

LaVerle is taking the opportunity to retire during this transition period. She has been slowing down for several months, but is now staying home a lot more.

James is taking on more of the management and editing duties. Our first son Tim has retired and is helping with the transition a couple days a week.