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Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 02:23 AM


First Published in 1994


The elections of 2010 are bringing change to South Carolina. Some of the changes can be attributed to Barack Obama – not in support of him but in opposition to his policies and the chaos he is creating in the nation and world. Other changes in the Palmetto State are occurring in the State Government, the Republican Party and a large segment of the Democrat Party.

The election of Barack Obama and the takeover of the U. S. Senate and House by leftists, socialists, progressive Communists and liberal Democrats has awakened a sleeping giant that has surfaced in the form of “Tea Parties.”

The awakening has brought about the widespread realization that the states that created the federal government with specific limited powers specified in the Constitution have allowed their creation to assume powers belonging to the states and the people. The abuse of authority by the federal government has been magnified by the Chicago-style dictatorial methods used by the Obama administration and the leftist dominated Congress.

Despite Republican control of South Carolina government for more than a decade, the legislature as a body is not representing the will of the people. That is about to change. It now appears certain that the Republican Party is nominating a woman dedicated to government reform as their candidate for Governor. Endorsement of her candidacy by Attorney General Henry McMaster virtually removed any chance of victory by her male opponent. Democrats and RINOs are terrified by the thought of Nikki Haley becoming Governor, exposing their shenanigans and shrinking their power over the people of South Carolina. In fact, a well-known Democrat pollster and contributor to Fox News announced last week that some RINOs in the Senate and House are talking about supporting the Democrat nominee for Governor in the November General Election. Senator Vincent Sheheen, the Democrat nominee for Governor, is a member of the exclusive Senate club that is opposed to government reform and willing to risk self-destruction in order to preserve their power base.

At the same time, something significant seems to be changing in the “African-American” community. The election of Alvin Greene over a wealthy, connected white liberal as Democrat candidate for the U. S. Senate may indicate that a large segment of the South Carolina Democratic Party may no longer be willing to follow orders of white liberal party bosses.

Some of the “best and brightest” of the black community seeking public office in 2010 are on the Republican ballot. One example is Tim Scott, a former county council member and bright young conservative member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. Scott may defeat the son of Senator Strom Thurmond in the Republican runoff election and, after defeating a Democrat challenger, become the Congressman representing District One in the Charleston area.

Tim Scott visited The Times Examiner when he was considering a run for Governor. Soon thereafter, the incumbent member of Congress representing District One in the Low Country decided not to seek reelection. Tim decided to seek that office instead of Governor. During that interview, I discovered that Tim Scott was mentored by a Clemson classmate and loyal friend of mine from the Clemson Cadet Corps of the 1950s, the late Barrett Lawrimore, who was serving as the elected leader of the South Carolina Association of Counties at his untimely death.

Tim Scott is, as described by former presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee, “devoted to the key conservative ideals of: low taxes, reduced spending and less government intrusion.”

More than 100 business leaders from the First District are supporting Scott for Congress. Jim Apple, CEO of one of the companies summed up his enthusiastic business support: “Tim knows that business succeeds when government gets out of the way.”

Tim Scott sums up his traditional conservative values with these words, “I want to end wasteful government spending, cut taxes, and bring jobs to the First District, while fighting to defend the Second Amendment, the sanctity of life and the family, and other traditional values.”

Unless the unexpected happens between this writing and the June 22 Republican runoff election, both South Carolina and Washington, DC, face positive change.