The right to own property and use it as you see fit and bear arms are two characteristics that distinguish a free people from the subjects of a tyrannical government. Both of those rights granted by our Creator and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are under attack today in our republic as never before.
Just 50 or 60 years ago, an individual or group would have been afraid to even discuss depriving another citizen of the use of his or her privately owned real property. The culprit would have been ostracized and shunned by law-abiding citizens who had fought, bled, worked and sacrificed for the right to live in a free country – unmolested on their private property. No elected official would dare to become a party to such a scheme.
A free country is a country where property ownership means your home is your castle and no individual, group or government agency has the privilege of interfering with your family in your home or the lawful use of your private property.
The gradual erosion of God-given rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and protected by the government, if elected officials live up to their oath of office, happens with little notice. Americans are traditionally a tolerant people. However, when the intrusion on basic constitutionally guaranteed rights become obvious, there is predictable resistance.
It has been a goal of the Communist Party and Progressives to eliminate property ownership in the United States as part of “wealth redistribution.” The Fabian Socialists concluded that Americans are predictable and will always resist a sudden attack by an outside force. But their traditional Christian values teach them to be tolerant and patient in dealing with gradual intrusions, “turning the other cheek,” so to speak. However, when greed and a thirst for power over others is involved in the contest of freedom versus tyranny, deception is compromised, the motives become obvious and the “sleeping giant is awakened.”
After a decade of probing and visioning and collecting data and reaching consensus using the Delphi Technique, well-organized and funded groups seeking to control the use of privately owned property in the name of “saving the planet,” “climate change,” and avoiding becoming a business bonanza like Woodruff Road, have come and gone. Some have changed their names and come again. Some activists are members of maybe a dozen different groups with basically the same goals. It has become quite clear that those who have a vision of “sustainable growth” for the use of their neighbor’s private property are here to stay. They will not go away until they achieve their goal of depriving certain property owners of the use of their property under the guise of planning for a “sustainable future” using the illusion that this is what the majority of citizens want.
This intrusion on private property is taking place in the same manner using the same Delphi Technique in every county and every state in the union. In the simplest terms, the Delphi Technique is an unethical method of manipulating a group of people to reach a pre-determined consensus with which they otherwise disagree. The Delphi Technique was reportedly developed during the Vietnam War era by a group of psychologists for the Central Intelligence Agency. The first public use of the technique was on groups of public school teachers. It was so successful in manipulating teachers that it has been honed and refined to use on virtually any group, using a highly skilled facilitator to identify, isolate and ridicule critics and manipulate a group to a predetermined consensus on a chosen subject.