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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 10:00 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


The 2010 General Election is only one week away, and some voters have not decided for whom they will cast their vote. In these days when things are upside down, when right is wrong and wrong is right, Christian discernment is beneficial in sorting through the information available regarding candidates, what they say and what others say about them.

In the absence of discernment, there are some rules that are also helpful. If you consider yourself to be a social and fiscal conservative, you would never vote for anyone affiliated with or supportive of the Obama Administration.  They might appear to be good people that intend to perform properly in public office, and say all the right things, but wouldn’t you question their judgment? How could they represent you well if they support a regime that is systematically destroying the free enterprise system? They are destroying a system of free enterprise that has provided the highest standard of living in history for the American people while at the same time helping the people in other countries and providing free welfare for many of our own citizens.

The Obama regime is systematically undermining the armed forces of the United States. If we are to remain a free republic, our defenses must remain intact and be staffed and manned by leaders with high ethical and moral standards. The Department of Defense under President Obama is either systematically or stupidly undermining chances for victory in the current wars and at the same time using the fighting force for improper social experimentation.

Robert G.  “Butch” Taylor came up with a series of questions as a guide for elected officials to determine whether to vote for a piece of legislation. It can also be used to judge the suitability of a candidate for public office who will be voting for laws with which others must comply:

Is the proposed law constitutional?

Is the proposed law affordable?

Is the proposed law necessary?

The federal government has very limited powers enumerated by the U. S. Constitution. Any congressman who votes for a law not allowed by the Constitution is violating his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

State and local officials should not vote for laws or ordinances that violate the constitutions of the United States or their state. Locally, we have experienced abuse of eminent domain by local government bodies and encroachment on property rights in long-range land use plans.

South Carolina has a candidate for Superintendent of Education who served as a high official and a presidential appointee in the education department of the Clinton Administration. The Department of Education grew rapidly in spending and encroachment into local schools during those eight years. An audit of the department during that time also uncovered some revealing findings regarding accountability for funding. I recall reading a press report during that time that stated the records at the US Department of Education were so poor that they could not be audited.

There is no constitutional provision for the federal government to be involved in the education of children in South Carolina or any other state. Do we want the federal government even more involved in determining what our children are taught in our local schools? The voters in South Carolina will make that decision on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. Their votes will choose between local control and more mandates from Washington, D. C.

The contest for governor of South Carolina holds great powers for the winning candidate and political party this year. South Carolina is getting an additional congressman due to growth in population as reflected in the recent census. In addition, all congressional and legislative districts in the state will be redrawn under the direction of whichever political party wins the Governor’s Mansion next week. It is a critically important election for the people of South Carolina and the future of our state. The outcome will depend on how many conservative voters turn out to vote and how many stay home because they are confused by liberal propaganda and defenders of the status-quo in Columbia. The outcome will also depend upon the amount of voter fraud allowed in the state.

FOX News has reported voter fraud detected in Troy, New York and parts of Alabama. Loose rules on absentee balloting and the Motor Voter registration law have provided opportunities for fraud that can be exploited by unethical groups outside government and unethical employees and elected officials operating the polls or consolidation points in the ballot accounting system.

In Troy, New York, unknown individuals cast ballots using the names of individuals who did not vote. Investigators are trying to determine who committed the alleged crimes. As citizen voters we should remain vigilant and report any suspicions of voter fraud. The ballot is our only defensive weapon against tyranny short of violence. We must do what we can to keep our elections free of fraud.