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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:24 PM


First Published in 1994


Progressive Leftists are an arrogant bunch. Like their cousins the Marxists, they consider it honorable to lie to achieve victory over their adversaries. Once they achieve power, they arrogantly and boastfully no longer consider it necessary to lie about their goals and deceptive methods for achieving them.

With Barack Obama living “high on the hog” in the White House and in control of keys to the Treasury Department’s printing presses, he is freely using taxpayers’ money and resources to campaign for a second four-year term. Despite media-created images, President Obama is not alone.

With seemingly unlimited resources, the aging radicals of the 1960s now in government, academia, media and stimulus-funded “green” corporate boardrooms are “feeling their oats” and their ruthless arrogance is beginning to show.

They are organizing violent mob disruptions across the nation. In fact the movement to “destroy capitalism” and force socialist dictatorship on all mankind is global. Some of the more outspoken leaders of the leftist revolution are already speaking out and acknowledging their methods and goals.

A spokesman for the movement, a black woman, boasted recently on FOX news that it was no coincidence that their methods include some practiced successfully by MLK and the “Civil Rights Movement.”

The woman recited an alleged quote from an MLK speech in which he gave the formula for a successful revolution that allowed the movement he led to achieve its goals, despite significant opposition.

The formula for successful revolution, practiced by MLK, according to the woman, used something very much like the “good cop – bad cop” technique. They need a charismatic leader with access to the major media, and they need organized mobs that appear to be spontaneous, disorganized and representative of the masses. The mobs carry signs and verbally scream the objectives of the charismatic leader. They falsely accuse and viciously attack any opposition. They demonstrate their willingness to loot and burn businesses, destroy private homes and government facilities to intimidate and terrorize the public in order to achieve their goals.

The charismatic leader never condemns the actions of the mobs and never acknowledges that the destructive mobs are part of his team. As the mobs become more and more destructive of property and disruptive of society, the victims desperately seek a compromised solution to their demands in order to protect their lives and property. The charismatic leader makes it clear that he can end the crises and calm their fears if only his demands are met.

The method worked for MLK, it worked for the Marxists to end the Vietnam War with a conclusion favorable to the Communists. The same methods have been used successfully on the people of Greenville County in at least two instances in recent years. It was used to remove Conservatives from the Greenville County School Board to clear the way for a questionable billion-dollar school building program. It was also used to force a change to the makeup of Greenville County Council in order to approve a mandatory paid MLK Holiday.

Only The Times Examiner provided accurate and complete coverage of these events.

Will crisis creation, threats and deception work for Democrats in 2012? It will unless liberty-loving people become informed and stand their ground.

We will have the answer in less than 13 months.