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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Many Vietnam Veterans had a sick feeling in the pit of their stomachs when they heard the announcement that Barack Obama was arbitrarily pulling all American troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. Here we go again. By so doing, he is leaving all those Iraqis who befriended Americans during our invasion and stay in that country to be persecuted and murdered by those who will fill the void upon our departure. He is also giving our enemies across the globe justification to say we were defeated and chased from Iraq by the Islamic terror squads and fear of Iran. After the loss of the lives of 4,500 of America’s finest, their Commander in Chief has betrayed their memory and sent a message from the White House that their sacrifices and those of their families were in vain and counted for nothing. 

After Vietnam, we pledged never again to dishonor our nation and the sacrifices of our troops by refusing to consolidate victory after it is won. Even Ron Paul, who advocates bringing all the troops home, in an interview with The Times Examiner acknowledged that it would be disastrous to pull all the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan before the local government was stable and could defend its people from potential enemies.

The leaders our government has helped to install and support in Iraq and Afghanistan are not working with Obama, because they know they can’t trust him. They know they will go the way of the leaders in Egypt and Libya if they do not form other alliances even if it is with their former enemies.

How do we hope to recoup any of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent by the American taxpayers in Iraq after we abandon the country to domination by Iran?

Who is going to defend the multi-billion dollar embassy in Baghdad? Who will defend the families of the people who helped American troops identify and capture and kill the insurgents in Iraq? What message does this send our allies elsewhere in the world?

It sends a clear message never to trust the Americans. They will promise to help you become free and, at the worst time, abandon you to be rounded up and imprisoned, tortured or killed by those they promised to protect you from.

The Communist sympathizers who betrayed our nation and the troops in Vietnam were never held accountable. They should have been brought to justice. Had they been brought to justice, we would not be in the situation we are today in this republic.

If it is possible to have a free and honest election in 2012 the electorate must replace the regime in Washington through the election process. When the election is over, individuals who have intentionally endangered our nation and have weakened our defenses against enemies of the Constitution of the United States, both foreign and domestic, must be held accountable and not allowed to remain free to further weaken our defenses and encourage our enemies.

It will not be easy to remove the current regime from power. Many of their followers and active supporters have no moral or ethical standards of conduct. Those acting with authority of the United States and those mobs in the streets will do whatever is necessary to keep the regime in power.

We must be up to the task of ensuring that the Constitution and the republic are preserved.  To achieve that important goal, each of us must do our part to ensure that our friends, relatives and neighbors are informed and equipped with truth before engaging in the political battle. Too many well-meaning citizens are ignorant and therefore unable to discern fact from fiction. We must educate and motivate them to get involved.

RINO Hunt and several Tea Party groups are offering classes on the Constitution in the Upstate. They cost nothing but time; about 4-hours a month to become more informed on the Constitution of the United States than anyone you know.

Truth is the key to changing our current government. The continued success of President Obama, his masters and followers is dependent on the ignorance and gullibility of the American people and their inability to distinguish fact from fiction.