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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:16 PM


First Published in 1994


The academic and sports worlds are in turmoil over the firing of Penn State’s worshiped coach Joe Paterno and the university president.  The dismissals followed the public release of a Grand Jury report that revealed a popular assistant coach had a history of forcing homosexual acts on young vulnerable boys in university facilities.

Former Defensive Coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested and is now free on bail, after being charged with multiple counts of “molesting eight boys over a period of 15 years.” The head coach and university president were, according to the Gov. of Pennsylvania who is a member of the university’s governing board, fired because they did not react promptly and properly to allegations of wrongdoing.

Within hours of the firings, students rioted in protest. The former student assistant, and now a member of the coaching staff, who swore before the Grand Jury that he witnessed the homosexual rape of an 11-year-old boy by the assistant coach in a locker room shower and reported it to Paterno and others, has received death threats. He was provided protective custody and placed on leave by the university.

Sandusky founded an organization called “The Second Mile” in 1977 for youngsters from broken homes and troubled backgrounds. The organization reportedly helped as many as 100,000 children a year through camps and fundraisers. Sandusky allegedly selected his victims through this organization that was nationally commended and praised by celebrities such as Arnold Palmer and President George W. Bush.

Sandusky reportedly used his popularity as an assistant to Joe Paterno and founder of “The Second Mile” as a cover for being seen frequently with young boys and bribing them with gifts and favors. Victims told the Grand Jury that Sandusky, who is married, had a bed in his basement where young boys slept when they were guests in the alleged pedophile’s home.

At least three investigations are ongoing. The total number of victims is unknown and the extent of involvement of others at Penn State and The Second Mile is yet to be determined.

The young boys are the victims harmed most. The psychological trauma will remain with them throughout life. There are indications that there are other pedophiles who were taking advantage of the troubled young boys brought together by The Second Mile organization. Hopefully they will be discovered and brought to justice.

To be truthful, Paterno, the university president and the entirety of Penn State University including staff, faculty, students and alumni and ultimately the taxpayers of Pennsylvania who will bear the cost of numerous claims and lawsuits, are also victims. They are victims of the new morality that legalizes homosexual behavior, places homosexuals in a socially and legally protected class, yet portends to protect children from pedophiles.

It should be noted that all homosexuals are not pedophiles and many abhor pedophilia, but sexual predators who choose and stalk young boys as their victims are mostly homosexuals.

In the current politically correct environment, what should a young graduate assistant do when he sees one of the most revered individuals at Penn State University committing a once forbidden act, now legal in all 50 states, on a young pre-teen boy?

Should he intervene and lose his scholarship and risk physical or other harm? Should he report it to the campus police, who would likely take no action against the coach, but could charge him with making a false report?

The Grand Jury concluded that the graduate assistant acted appropriately. When he witnessed the incident, he was obviously shocked and called his father for advice. The next morning his father accompanied him to report the incident to Coach Paterno, who said he reported it to the Athletic Director. That is where the new morality and conflicting rules came into play.