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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:20 PM


First Published in 1994


What Republicans see representing them in the South Carolina State Government is not what they get. What they see is a Republican dominated state government. What they see is an illusion and a deception. What they see is not what they get.

What they get is the same old Democrat, one-party rule that has held the state in a form of political bondage for more than a century – with a new label. It is the old wine in a new wineskin. The voters that have been deceived by liberal propaganda fail to see the truth behind the shadow government.

A political party and its agenda are defined by its platform. South Carolina Democrats and Republicans, as well as Third Parties run and are elected on their party platforms. Once in office, lawmakers, especially in the senate, doggedly defend the Democrat agenda status quo and resist all efforts to pass legislation implementing the Republican agenda as stated in the Republican platform.

The Times Examiner has been pointing out this deception and advocating a remedy for 18 years with limited success in the Upstate. Now the Tea Party and especially RINO Hunt have taken the conservative quest for open and honest government across the state and are organizing opposition to RINO incumbents. An aggressive plan exists to replace at least 5 Republicans-in-name-only in the South Carolina Senate and several House members in the 2012 election cycle.

For several years, in county and state conventions, South Carolina Republicans have passed resolutions endorsing school choice. The South Carolina Republican platform calls for elected representatives to pass school choice legislation. Last year legislation to provide more school choices for South Carolina families was killed in the House of Representatives by six Republicans from Spartanburg County.

These lawmakers have been labeled “The Spartanburg Six” and targeted for replacement. At least one of the six already has an announced opponent pledged to uphold the Republican Platform that calls for registration by party.

For fifty years, South Carolina election laws have allowed Democrats to vote in Republican Party primaries. The Republican dominated legislature has refused to change the law. That is because the true majority of the South Carolina House and Senate are composed of Democrats and “Republicans in Name Only.” RINO’s refuse to support registration by party because they need Democrat votes in Republican Primaries in order to defeat their conservative Republican challengers.

In order to allow Republicans only to pick their primary candidates the legislature must pass legislation changing the law and the Governor must sign it. Bills have been introduced in every legislative session for decades to change the election laws without success. They are always blocked before they come to a vote by the party leadership.

The Greenville County Republican Party has filed a lawsuit attempting to force the issue through the federal courts. The State Party joined Greenville County in the lawsuits. It may go to trial next spring or summer. Replacement of RINO’s in the House and Senate with true conservative Republicans is the surest way of getting the law changed.

The law that permits Democrats to participate in the selection of Republican candidates to challenge Democrats will influence the outcome of the January 21, 2012, First in the South Republican Presidential Preference Primary. Democrats will not have a presidential primary and all Democrats who are registered voters in South Carolina will legally be able to vote in the South Carolina Republican Primary. The current South Carolina law enacted by Democrats 50 years ago, will allow Democrats to help pick the winner in the South Carolina First in the South Republican Primary and help pick South Carolina Republicans choice of a candidate to challenge Democrat Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

Such is the legacy of the South Carolina RINO Shadow Government.