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Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 10:36 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


If Americans are to remain free people, we must reject every aspect of socialized medicine. By their actions, the Obama administration and the national Democratic Party have demonstrated that they misrepresent facts, use threats and intimidation and reinterpret existing law in order to ensure their base of power and control is strengthened and expanded and that their goals are achieved, if not totally, at least in part.

The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in the healthcare of American Citizens. When faced with truth and strong opposition, they change tactics and try to achieve the same goals using other methods and approaches.

For a number of years, congress and several administrations have violated their oath of office and ignored the Constitution of the United States, assuming   powers not granted to them by the Constitution. Americans have been passive and allowed the incremental chipping away of our freedom piece by piece. The election of 2008 shifted the push by leftists toward socialism into overdrive. Finally the American people have been jolted to reality by the health care bill introduced by the US House of Representatives. They have reacted swiftly and with anger.

The large numbers of Americans opposed to the House bill provisions has panicked some liberal members of the Senate and they along with President Obama have seemingly reversed their course of action over the weekend.

Democrats are sending mixed messages as grass roots concerns are meeting them head-on. Democrat Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota said Sunday that it is futile to continue to pursue the “single payer” or “public” option, meaning a government takeover, due to the lack of enough Senate votes to overcome a filibuster.

On another Sunday television program, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that a government alternative to private health insurance is “not the essential element” of the administration’s health care overhaul. Sebelius told CNN that the end-of-life proposal was likely to be dropped from the final bill, after administration officials had denied it existed. On Monday morning, the White House claimed Sebelius “misspoke.”

Regardless of whether or not a government takeover of healthcare includes a provision for “end of life” panels or counseling, the plan should be opposed. Other provisions can be added at any time in the future either by Congress or by Presidential edicts.

The option of killing-off the elderly and infirm to save medical costs will be part of a government operated program whether spelled out in law or not. Government bureaucrats are already influencing medical decisions through rationing in Medicare, Medicaid and VA medical operations.

President Obama is said to now be willing to settle for a co-op to replace or compete with private insurance companies. If the government can create, subsidize and regulate cooperatives, they can essentially be government run. Cooperatives regulated and controlled by the government is a single payer system and becomes the same as the “public” option. Hopefully, Republicans, some of whom have spoken in favor of cooperatives, will not be deceived and not fall into that trap.

Many member-owned and operated insurance cooperatives currently exist and are licensed by states.  In fact I have been a member of an insurance cooperative for decades, but it is not controlled by the federal government.

President Obama and his followers in the House and Senate may be willing to settle for anything that will give them a start on controlling healthcare and, therefore, eventually controlling every aspect of the lives of all Americans. They can’t be trusted.

We must be forever vigilant and oppose any option that is controlled by the federal government, regardless of what devious title it may be given to mislead the public. We must oppose every aspect of socialized medicine, whether spelled out or perceived, if we are to remain a free people.