The Obama administration is rushing to get control of the nation’s health care system before too many people have time to think about what it is going to cost and how it will degrade medical care in this country. Obama and his 32 Czars intend to be exempt from medication and medical care rationing. They don’t intend for rationing to apply to the elite and the ruling class. And they have no intention of giving up the reigns of government anytime in the near future.
What is wrong with the current American medical care system that needs fixing? Simply speaking, the current problems were created by the same government socialist thinking that wants the government to take over the system. The Congress created the MEDICARE program to supplement care for the elderly who could not afford to pay the full price for care. Then they created MEDICAID to provide full coverage for those who could not afford to purchase a supplement to pay medical bills MEDICARE did not cover. They even extended the program for the elderly to children and deadbeat able- bodied young adults and hired people to recruit customers to the system.
Physicians and hospitals have been required to add additional employees to handle the paperwork and documentation required to administer the system. Despite all of the controls and documentation, MEDICARE and MEDICAID are plagued with fraud, mismanagement and abuse.
Government officials have used the Cloward-Piven Strategy to overload the system with more and more beneficiaries and create the desired unsustainable financial crisis. The government bureaucrats have reached their goal of needing a larger government plan to fix the flaws in the previous program that have pushed up the cost of medical care for patients and taxpayers and at the same time pushed up the cost of private insurance premiums.
A review of Obama’s campaign speeches and off- camera statements reveal that in addition to tax increases and rationed procedures, care and medication, Obama is counting on a windfall of savings from a series of “end of life strategies.”
He would establish a group of “end of life” counselors to visit elderly individuals needing costly procedures in their homes and discuss with them their “end of life options.”
The discussion could go something like this:
“You may have to wait a few months for a pacemaker and defibrillator due to the excessive cost of these appliances and limited resources available to care for patients such as you. We want to give everyone the best care possible, but you must understand that priority goes to younger individuals who are otherwise healthy and are needed in the workforce.
“In the meantime, as you wait your turn for treatment, you should be aware that you could suffer a stroke or a heart attack and be institutionalized, or requiring care at home providing an additional burden on your loved ones. You can be provided with narcotics to ease your pain, or you can make it easier on yourself and your loved ones and move into federally funded Hospice for end of life planning.”
Terminating the lives of elderly unproductive citizens is no problem for government bureaucrats and other individuals who already favor terminating babies in the womb or as they are being delivered as a means of birth and population control or for the convenience of the mother. Furthermore, and more importantly, reducing the number of elderly and infirm from government rolls will ease the overall cost of the health care system. In addition it will aid the Social Security deficit and the overall cost of government by eliminating social security payments, government pensions and create estates for the government to tax when the elderly or infirm chose a government-proposed and preferred end of life strategy.
Democratic Party strategists and advocates for Obamacare are already alluding to this solution to cost overruns to be achieved by the proposed government run health care system on television talk shows and when addressing partisan crowds. They discuss the situation with a “wink and a nod” to ease the concerns of liberals and to avoid admitting to the truth in the face of critics.
As Vice President Joe Biden might say: Imposing end of life strategies “would be the patriotic cost saving thing to do.”