Radiometric dating is the effort to try to use radioactive isotopes of various elements as a way of dating an object usually a rock. The most notable exception is carbon14 dating, which is used on organic samples, specifically samples that were once alive. Radiometric dating is the primary method used for dating the earth in parts of it that are thought to be millions or billions of years old. Despite the fact that it is frequently touted as being airtight in its dating there are a number of assumptions that are behind these methods. But even worse any date can be dismissed if it does not match up with what the evolutionary geological timescale dictates.
There are three major assumptions behind all radiometric dating methods.
- The original conditions of the rock are known. Specifically, it requires making assumptions about how much of the daughter element was present in the original sample. This is one of the factors that gives them a way out, if date does not match the geologic time scale.
- That there was no contamination of the sample or that any contamination can be determined and calculated. This is one of the factors that gives them gives them a way out if date does not match the geologic time scale.
- The decay rate of the radioactive isotopes is constant. this is the one they really hang their hats on as being 100% correct.
However, it turns out that there are reasons to believe that all three of these assumptions are inaccurate.
In an attempt to deal with the first two assumptions isochrone dating was developed. This is a process whereby multiple samples are measured from the same rock and the results are charted on a graph. A best fit line is then drawn between the isotopic ratios and the slope of this line is used to calculate an age. The big problem with this method Is that you can get false isochrones, if the initial amount and / or contamination line up just right. This fact gives them the excuse that they need if a date do not line up with the geologic time scale. For example, I read one paper number of years ago with the author of the paper got a pretty good isochron but it did not agree with how old the fossils in the rock said it should be and so he dismissed the isochron in favor of the age suggested by the fossil.
One of the major problems with radiometric dating Is the fact that they have enough wiggle room the deccan dismiss any day that they get as being a result of contamination or starting conditions if it does not agree with their prior ideas as to what the fossils say the age of the rock should be. This means that even radiometric dating is more likely than not to always be filtered through the expected ages based on fossils and dismissed if it causes problems.
One factor that could cause problems with radiometric dating is the fact that When rocks are in a molten state the heavier radiometric elements such as uranium are more likely to differentiate from lighter once such as lead, such that the rocks that would initially be on top in the mantle would have higher concentration of daughter isotopes in lower concentrations apparent isotopes then those lower in the magma. This means that the earlier eruptions would tend to appear significantly older than the later eruptions even if they occurred relatively close together in time.
Thanks to the RATE project from the institute for creation research there is now evidence that nuclear decay was faster for a time in the past. The possible times are the creation week and the Genesis Flood. This evidence comes in both the form of the amount of helium found in zircon crystals, and a study of radio halos from short lived elements such as polonium. The consequence is that it provides evidence of the biblical timescale.
So while radiometric dating is frequently used by evolutionists the requires making assumptions, they normally give them wiggle room, but may even be completely wrong. With the RATE project’s results there is evidence of periods of accelerated nuclear decay, that would ruin the entire model.
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