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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 09:40 PM


First Published in 1994


Carbon14 dating is a common method of radiometric dating used for dating organic material. Not only does this method of radiometric dating not proven old earth, in many ways it goes against it. Furthermore, it is a method of dating that would have been easily and naturally disrupted by the Genesis Flood, making arguments against the Flood using carbon14 dates worthless.

Carbon14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon. An isotope of an element is a variety of the number of neutrons within the nucleus of individual atoms. The most common and stable form of carbon is carbon12. Because atomic isotopes are all chemically the same, they form the exact same compounds, consequently when any living thing eats it takes in a certain amount of carbon14 along with carbon12. Carbon14 has a half-life of about 5700 years, that is the amount of time that it takes for half of the carbon14 in a sample to decay to nitrogen14. One of the consequences, of this, is that there should be no detectable carbon14 in any sample older than about 55,000. Furthermore, even if you started with an Earth-size chunk of pure carbon14 there would be none left after a million years. consequently, there should not be any carbon14 in any sample that is 1,000,000 or billions of years old.

One of the key assumptions behind carbon14 dating is that the amount of carbon14 in the atmosphere is constant due to more being created by cosmic rays and balancing out its decay rate. as any living thing takes in carbon from the atmosphere or whatever it is feeding on the percentage of carbon14 should be roughly constant. However, after death, because no more carbon is being added the carbon14 levels start to decrease as it decays. This is the basis of carbon14 dating.

Now one of the problems when it comes to dating objects older than about 2500 years old is that the genesis flood would have disrupted the levels of carbon14 in the atmosphere significantly reducing the starting percentage. it would have taken roughly this 2,000-year period to balance out. Consequently, any date derived from carbon14 that ignored the consequences of the flood would start producing older and older ages. This explains why some carbon14 dates are not only older than the Genesis Flood but the Biblical data creation as well.

Carbon14 does cause a problem for an old earth because of the fact that no sample that is supposed to be millions of billions of years old should contain any carbon14. However, measurable amounts of carbon14 have been found in fossils, fossil fuels such as oil and coal, and even diamonds. This fact means that it cannot possibly be millions and billions of years old. Now evolutionists have tried to explain it away by contamination, but because of the hardness of a diamond, and the fact that it is held together by atomic bonds, this is a very unlikely explanation. Realizing this evolution is have produced yet another alternative, they claim that radioactivity from within the earth converts the nitrogen14 back into carbon14. the problem with this idea is that in many cases the local radioactivity is insufficient to account for it.

As a result, carbon14 is not a problem for Biblical creation, but it only seems to be a problem when carbon 14 is used to date an older object while ignoring the effects of the Genesis Flood. instead of being a problem, carbon14 is actually more of a problem for an old earth, because carbon 14 is found where it should not be if the earth were billions of years old.


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