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Monday, February 17, 2025 - 06:19 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


The notion of aliens on other planets is a very popular part of science fiction. The notion has become part of popular culture with many science fiction movies and books based on the concept. This particular discussion is primarily about intelligent aliens, not bacteria or even animal life as they are a different discussion. Two things we have to realize are that to date there is no evidence for such beings and that it is not a Biblical concept.

The first thing that needs to be noted about the idea of feeling some other planets is that not only is it an entirely evolutionary idea, but it is also founded purely on atheistic naturalistic materialistic thinking. The reason for this is that the idea is that if we came about by pure chance surely given the billions of stars in the universe and billions of more planets that there must be some of those must be inhabitable, you're also inhabited. Consequently, the idea that alien life exists is primarily founded on an atheistic worldview.

However, from a Biblical perspective not just because of its silence on the subject, the importance of Earth and humanity in the Biblical worldview, we would not expect to find any alien intelligence. Furthermore, because the Bible indicates that the fall of man affected the entire universe and that in Jesus, God became a man to save man, the existence of such creatures poses a problem for the theology surrounding salvation. There are however three possible ways that intelligent alien life could be Biblically dealt with. Each of these ironically would have its indicators if it were true.

The first one ironically has always been my head canon for the Star Trek universe, and similar sci-fi universes where you have very human-looking aliens, differ mainly by largely superficial features such as ridges on their heads, funny-looking ears, and noses. In such a case, pre-flood man could have developed a method of interstellar travel, one more or the planets. Any differences between us and them could be a result of the fact that they've lived on another planet for thousands of years along with possible genetic engineering to aid that adaptation. This scenario would be aided if during the flood the solar system experienced time dilation. In such a case they would not only have a sense of spirituality, but they might come to earth seeking the home original home world, and possibly the promised redeemer. This possibility could be tested by a genetic comparison that invariably would show considerable genetic similarity between us in the aliens.

The second would be that despite their intelligence they have no spirituality but are no different than animals. Genesis chapter 1 speaks of man being created in the image of God, in chapter 2 speaks of God breathing into man the breath of life it had becoming a living soul. If this is unique to man, then you could potentially have intelligent animals living on another planet who have no spiritual nature whatsoever. This possibility could be tested by the aliens having no notion whatsoever of spirituality of any kind. In other words, trying to talk to them about God or any form of spirituality would be like trying to do so with your cat or dog. Being intelligent they may understand the words, but they may not be able to grasp the concept.

The third possibility would be that of demonic deception. This is probably the most likely possibility for a whole host of reasons. The first is that 2 Thessalonians 2:11 speaks of God sending a strong delusion when the Antichrist arrives, and this would be consistent with demons pretending to be aliens.  Furthermore, accounts of so-called alien abductions are also consistent with such an interpretation, not only given their cruelty but also their blatantly anti-biblical message to the abductees. These would be telltale signs and such a deception. If you had aliens showing up with a blazingly anti-biblical message even if they were not cruel in any way.

All three possibilities have the advantage that none of them require twisting scripture to make them acceptable. Now the Bible does recognize the existence of celestial beings in the form of angels, but not only do they not need any form of vehicle, but only for ones would pretending to be from another planet.

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