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Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 10:48 PM


First Published in 1994


America and the West are now experiencing what seems a massive outbreak of homo-trans sexualism. Suddenly, it seems, sodomites of all different stripes are crawling out of the woodwork.

Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson aptly calls this ostensibly spontaneous emergent phenomenon a psychological epidemic. By calling it "psychological", he rightly stresses the non-genetic, non-biological, non-physical, un-natural, non-rational, purely subjective, exclusively mental, and highly emotional nature of homo-trans sexuality.

While normal people in all cultures through the ages have identified only two sexes, male and female, liberals now lie and prevaricate by claiming 72-plus genders. Indeed, the concept "gender" is itself contrived and invalid, being without objective ontical or biological or sociological reference apart from manifest and obvious, hard-reality binary sex. And so, it follows, the sex/gender distinction or bifurcation so commonly employed in public discourse these days, wherein sex is conceived as strictly biological while gender is conceived as strictly sociological, is utterly false. And all this pseudo-intellectual falderal — conceptual shell games masquerading as serious thought -- leads the rational, serious and circumspect thinker to suspect deliberate obfuscation and sleight-of-hand by advocates of non-binarism.

Cutting through layers of woke propaganda, mental gas and bloviation, Peterson incisively likens the current homo-trans outbreak to other psychological epidemics, manias or popular crazes of the past, including body-cutting, multiple personality disorders, bulimia, anorexia and Satanic daycare rituals. All these psychological epidemics, he correctly notes, were ultimately rooted in the deep personal depression and anxiety of their carriers.

Statistically, homo-trans persons come disproportionately from dysfunctional family settings, and are most commonly from single-parent (single-mother and therefore weaker-vessel-led) households. Thus does sin and dysfunction beget yet more sin and dysfunction; and thus does Satan, the father of lies, gleefully reenact, by wicked subtlety, his original deception of Evean woman in Eden.

But Peterson's clinical psychological approach, while valuable up to a point, falls short because it is secular and non-philosophical. So now — aided by Scripture, and by true metaphysics and political philosophy -- let's go beyond, beneath, over and through Peterson's psychological studies framed in Jungian conceptual categories.

Peterson suggests that, in time, after spreading and raging for a bit, the homo-trans epidemic of today will die down and away, as have other psychological and physical epidemics. The truth, however, is that our current homo-trans outbreak, being more universal than local in origin, is pandemic rather than epidemic. And this kind of pandemic, being deeply rooted in anti-God, anti-creation, and anti-binary rebellion and sin, will not die down by itself, but will instead — like Sodom and Gomorrah of old -- have to be forcibly put down by God's grace through His Providential Judgment and Church.

Augustine reminds us that sin is any word, deed or desire contrary to eternal, God-given law. The current homo-trans rage is pandemic rather than epidemic, because fallen, sinful human nature is universal in this earthly life, and ever-susceptible to excitation, temptation, and rebellion against God.

More than the other psychological epidemics Peterson lists, the current homo-trans outbreak -- while conspicuously non-genetic and non-physical -- is largely spiritual, false philosophical and, above all, politically or ideologically driven.

No longer a fringe phenomenon, the homo-trans "identity" movement is now exhibiting its inherent, manifest and now obvious and palpable murderous tendency to expressly anti-Christian tyranny, a la the Nashville school shooting. No longer on the political fringe, the movement is now, too, a central and key ideological causal factor in world Realpolitik power politics. The proof of this shift from fringe to center stage is that nations the world over are now self-defining and aligning as advocates or opponents. The pride flag now flies at all of our overseas embassies, just under the Yankee empire flag.

The proxy conflict in Ukraine between the atheist American Empire and Christian Russia is largely over the homo-trans agenda. Morphing in a matter of decades from fringe movement to principal political cause, homo-trans is the abolitionist movement of the 21st Century.

As enemies of natural and God-ordained social order, the fanatical homo-trans and their "straight" fellow-travelers share common cause with the fanatical abolitionists of yesteryear. The latter pushed egalitarian heresy and the former now push anti-binary heresy, which assumes "self-identifying" egalitarian and atomistic individualism. Historically, the fell success of abolitionism has led inexorably to the current homo-trans fanaticism and hysteria, these being successive metaphysical rebellions against God and His "best of all possible", hierarchical creation.

As Scripture teaches, and as John C. Calhoun prophesied in 1848 before THE WAR in specifically American terms, sin and error -- if not checked by truth and Godly rectitude out on the frontier of the soul — will cut a path of deadly invasion by darkness into the soul's interior. And, the fact that so many people today would reject my comparison and analysis of abolitionist and homo-trans heresies is itself evidence of the West's very deep and seemingly intractable secular-egalitarian delusions and spiritual lostness. And this evidence itself suggests further that very hard love for woke America and Europe from the Lord Himself is just around the corner.

Viewing these delusions more deeply and broadly, the one and only true (Triune) God, in His Providence, ordained -- before the beginning of the world -- that many in our time would rebel against created, foundational and procreative binary sexuality. And while many now are rebelling because of internal sinful proclivity, combined with real personal depression, anxiety, and socially-induced confusion, many others, swept up in a mass-psychological social contagion, are rebelling because of a corrupt, prideful, pathetic and perverse virtue-signaling desire for popular acceptance, for social notoriety, for career advancement and distinction, and for vainglorious Hegelian recognition as "exceptional" and "superior."

But true philosophy, rooted in God's Word, teaches that binary sexuality is Divinely ordained, and existentially and morally axiomatic, and that non-binary sexuality — as just so many forms of filthy, carnal dreaming (Jude: verse 8) -- is chimerical and conceptually parasitical. As with the concepts (and underlying phenomena) "existence", "consciousness", and "identity" (a thing is itself and not something else), binary sexuality for reproduction within the paterfamilias is axiomatic in that any attempt to deny or subvert binarism entails its usage, both generatively and conceptually. And since, therefore, advocate-theorists for the non-binary find it impossible to avoid self-contradiction, real debate with opponents is avoided like the proverbial plague, and then comes tyrannical suppression, per totalitarian liberalism, to preclude free speech, open inquiry and debate.

Now for those inclined to reject and dismiss Christian argument — including Christian metaphysics -- on shallow atheist grounds, consider that God is Himself axiomatic, and is in turn, as First Cause, or Uncaused Cause, the foundation and source of all other axioms. So, dear atheist, any attempt to deny or doubt God necessarily entails a hidden, parasitic and hypocritical usage of Him and His creation both phenomenally and conceptually.

So God -- Who is that than which nothing greater can be conceived, and Who cannot NOT be conceived by any diligent conceiver [Anselm], and Who cannot be doubted or denied, without self-contradiction by the doubter or denier [Aquinas] -- is the Creator of the best of all possible worlds [Leibniz].

Having thus laid a solid metaphysical foundation by which to outflank and defeat casuistry and sophistry by atheistic queer apologists, we now return to our criticism proper of the current homo-trans pandemical popular hysteria.

In his treatise "Generation of Animals", Aristotle noted how "In all animals which move about, the sexes are separated, one individual being male and one female, though both are the same species, as with man and horse." So, as we will see more clearly below, non-binary feeling and action are inherently and categorical evil because they are contrary to original, created human FORM (eidos), as that form existed before the Fall via Adam's original sin.

In Christian Neo-Platonic thought, and especially, in the great Bonaventure (1217/1221-1274), FORMS (eide) are the patterns or ideas existing in God by which and according to which all particular created things are wrought by the Lord, and the means by which man, His chief creation, is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139: 14). As such, forms (eide) are the paradigmatic exemplars or ontical and moral standards of the created things they literally form and inform. These forms, as God's ideas, exist in a permanent realm of being independent of the things they inform, and they persist as standards of measurement of reality and goodness within those created things. This is why homosexuality, as willful rebellion against Divine idea or form, is deemed in Scripture as, for example, no mere peccadillo, but rather, as damnable abomination by the unrepentant. Self-styled homo-trans "identities" are just so many contrived and arbitrary and ridiculous and Godless and sinful denials of and transgressions against true and FORMAL human sexual identity.

With the Fall, the human form, as manifested respectively in individual men and women, became in somewise fractured, disorganized and disoriented. This fractured form, with a fractured image of God at its center, was inherited by all humanity through natural sexual-reproductive generation from the original human pair. Reflecting this fracture of form in their very persons and ideas, the more famous modern political thinkers — including Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau — failed to grasp that paterfamilias, or the man-headed family, is the God-ordained fundamental political unit; not the isolated and deracinated atomistic individual. Such theorizing, we note in passing, helped lay the false-philosophical groundwork for our current homo-trans pandemic.

Looking more deeply still, the evils of non-binary feeling and action — like all other evils — are, at root, privations in the creature -- man or woman -- of that which it ought to be according to its form or idea in the Creator. So, what ought to be in man and woman is strict, natural and unequivocal binary heterosexuality within the framework of marriage for family under God. And the Creator, Jesus Christ, has made clear in His written Word, the Bible, that there are no non-binary forms in the all-Good and Holy God; and this explains, in turn, why geneticists have not found — and will not find -- a so-called "gay" gene.

So armed now with metaphysical insight, we return to the psychological and political.

The current homo-trans craze across America and the Western world, unlike anorexia and bulimia, etc., is being championed by a combination of sodomites and their "straight" fellow-travelers pushing violent, over-the-top, anti-Christian homo-trans sexuality on ordinary, hapless folk. As I write, children are being targeted by powerful and corrupt ideological factors and actors in business, academia and government.

In the 1970s, singer-composer Karen Carpenter, for example, was never egged on in her ultimately tragic abstention from food by politically-motivated advocates of anorexia nervosa, because such advocates didn't exist then. But now, for power, for wealth, for social distinction, for the honors and emoluments of government, homo-trans activists cheer the moral corruption and chemo-physical mutilation of children. And now, by sinful and inhuman love of self, and by hatred of God and others, homo-trans activists enable the condemnation of countless "self-identifying" homo-transexuals to eternity in hell.

Tragically, the din of power politics drowns out the cries of individual psychological sufferers for serious attention and salvific help. Hapless, confused, mal-medicated and butchered sufferers are now mere pawns in a political power game.

With overwhelming power pushing the homo-trans agenda, children are now being butchered and irreparably mutilated in ultra-woke and "progressive" madhouses like the Tavistock Clinic in England, which now faces closure and over 1000 lawsuits for rushing children into transgender drugs and surgeries. Closer to home, Duke, UNC, and ECU medical schools in North Carolina are "gender-transitioning" children as early as ages two, three and four respectively.

For these barbaric enormities of the homo-trans movement, and for all its evil and inhuman agents and supporters and enablers, terrible Judgment is coming.


Winston McCuen is a metaphysician and political philosopher and Christian apologist. He is a Reformed believer, native South Carolinian, proud son of the Confederacy, and outspoken Southern patriot. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in philosophy from Emory University, is a John C. Calhoun scholar, and a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Furman University in history and philosophy. Formerly a welding instructor, philosophy instructor and Latin teacher, he holds multiple welding certifications and is a senior certified nuclear metallurgical welding engineer. Winston is the younger son of Dr. William Garrison McCuen, Sr. and Anne Ballenger King McCuen.