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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:15 PM


First Published in 1994


With Justice John Roberts’ ruling on Obamacare, the fallout and implications are many. Conservatives consider him a turncoat, who acquiesced to political pressure from the left. Others consider him a genius who limited legislative power over the commerce clause, and hung a tax millstone around Obama's neck going into the election. Liberals celebrate more government overreach. Whatever his reasons, Obamacare remains the law.

Ruling Obamacare a tax gives the government broader taxing powers over what we choose not to do or buy, a monumental assault on our personal freedoms. Job creation is further stifled as businesses still can't predict what impact Obamacare will have on their bottom line. The crushing 2.3 trillion dollar shortfall the Congressional Budget Office estimates Obamacare will create hastens America's insolvency. Again, the middle class will suffer the most. Businesses will be fined twenty five hundred dollars  per employee for refusing health coverage to their workers, which is much more costly than the fine. Employee's health coverage will be dropped, forcing them into the government program where participants will not have coverage choice, while paying for an all inclusive plan, much of which panders to the Obama voting block Five hundred million dollars transferred out of Medicare to Obamacare will greatly limit seniors' access that they truly need. Additionally, mandates burdening states with funding expanded Medicaid coverage exacerbates their fiscal woes.

Luckily, Roberts’ ruling forces Democrats  to tell their constituents they voted for this massive tax increase. Re-energized conservatives will relentlessly remind the electorate of this. Obamacare must be repealed in its entirety if possible, which will require a complete Republican sweep in November. But Republicans must offer a cost-effective, fair and manageable alternative for keeping the world's premier medical system intact. All Americans must educate themselves on Obamacare before they vote this fall. This healthcare debacle is another step in Obama's American dream to end the American dream as we know it.