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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:12 PM


First Published in 1994


I was brought up under a socialist system that I never questioned. It was only after I came to America and started my own business that I did an about turn.

It was a sad day in America when the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare was legal which required John Roberts' convoluted reasoning that it is a tax. He betrayed us all by relegating to the dustbin the Constitution  despite his sworn pledge to uphold the peoples rights, thereby putting in jeopardy all Americans and future generations.

Having experienced the government-run health system in the UK and being kept up-to-date with friends and family in England over the years, I can visualize our future. Doctors, specialists and surgeons will resign or retire in large numbers and these good people will be replaced by third world practitioners with degrees from third world universities. There will be endless queues for an initial appointment with a GP and, should further examination be needed, another three to four months to see a specialist.

Surgery? A waiting period, perhaps, of one to three years. The urgency of your need will not be taken into consideration since you will have to conform and wait in the queue.    You will all be treated as equals, rich or poor, black or white.   However, special attention will be given to those 60 plus.    Perhaps the expense of surgery will be weighed and if the cost is too prohibitive you will be given some kind of medication and sent on your way. And for all these wonderful experiences you will be asked to pay through the nose, young and old, and taxes will skyrocket.  You ask why?

Well, we all have to pay for this Affordable Care Act,don't we?