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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Thanks to an inept Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney, most all Republicans and a whole host of pathetic TV and Radio commentators, including FoxNews, it is incredible just how much misunderstanding and misinformation there is about Obamacare. For starters, there is much general discussion of the increasing total costs of Obamacare (which is essentially very unconvincing political oratory); but there is almost no discussion of the costs of the many individual programs.

For example, polls show that extending family coverage to age 26 is very popular; however, how about asking the question, “would you pay an extra 10% on your coverage to cover the 26 year old neighbor’s kid‘?” There is a cost to said coverage; the polling services, certainly Obama, are totally misleading, as they present this as if, “I‘m giving you this free (!) servicel” Obamacare is a lie, and Obama is a liar! Another favorite is, everybody will be covered for ’pre-existing’ conditions, ie, you can’t be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. Again, pollsters, TV commentators, et al, fail to balance the discussion by saying there is a cost to covering pre-existing conditions.

Obama has lied about this, too; and he further contends that, with Obamacare (ie, which he contends will cover pre-existing conditions), your insurance premiums will go down!

Again, Obamacare is a lie, and Obama is a liar! Insurance companies cannot extend coverage to age 26 without an increased premium; they cannot cover pre-existing conditions without an increased premium; they cannot eliminate co-pays as Obama has promised, without an increased premium; and they cannot provide an unlimited maximum without an increased premium.

Interestingly, “Huckabee” on FoxNews recently had the owners of McArthur Bakery (?), in St. Louis, on his program. They have approximately 50 employees, and they stated how their premiums have gone up 22% and 28% in the last two years. That is the result of (their) insurance company having to estimate the increased costs of Obamacare’s mandated coverages! They are not free!

I sold individual disability and health policies, including to 19 year olds, many decades ago. Lots of things have changed; currently, we have an ignorant electorate, and they are not served well by smooth-talking TV and radio types, nor by lying politicians. The federal government’s bloated Medicare and Medicaid programs have totally distorted the health care industry, and they need to be cleaned up. And we need to repeal Obamacare, and start over at the state (not federal) level, and return to the private patient-doctor relationship.