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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:10 PM


First Published in 1994


As far as electoral travesties go, the case of the Republican primary for the District 3 seat in the State Assembly beats them all. Clemson resident Ed Harris, who defeated incumbent B. R. Skelton in the balloting, had earlier been thrown off the ballot by the state Supreme Court along with 200 or so other candidates based on the questionable pretext of a filing error. Shortly thereafter, Pickens County GOP Chairman Phillip Bowers, concluding that Mr. Harris had properly filed on paper as well as by E-mail the required document, reinstated Mr. Harris on the ballot. Mr. Harris, a strong conservative, went on to win the election, which is where the story should have ended.

But it didn’t end there. An angry B. R. Skelton retained attorney James E. Smith, a Democrat representing Richland County in the State House, to file a protest with the state GOP.  At a formal hearing the state GOP executive committee ruled unanimously against Mr. Skelton, throwing out his protest and confirming Mr. Harris as Republican candidate for the District 3 seat.

Having failed to win the political battle, Mr. Skelton had his attorney file a civil suit against Mr. Harris, Mr. Bowers, the state GOP, the Pickens County GOP and anyone else involved in what Mr. Skelton seems to think a nefarious plot to prevent his return to Columbia for a sixth term.

Aware of the suit, State GOP Chairman Chad Connelly, apparently wishing to avoid a court battle similar to the earlier Supreme Court controversy, had party Executive Director Matt Moore inform Mr. Harris by E-mail that he had been removed from the ballot, a step which left losing candidate Skelton the GOP nominee.

Mr. Harris then, over a period of less than a week, aided by friends, neighbors and the Greenville Tea Party, rounded up over 1800 petition signatures, 1300 of which were certified, much more than the 799 needed to put him back on the ballot.

There is little doubt that with Mr. Harris again on the ballot Mr. Skelton’s days in Columbia are numbered. But it’s not that simple. Mr. Harris, financing his own campaign, has already spent way beyond what he can prudently afford in campaign expenses and legal costs. To go on to defend in court against the baseless charges of fraud and conspiracy brought by Mr. Skelton will cost a great deal more. Were he to drop out of the race, an option he has seriously considered, he could avoid this crippling expense. And he could not be faulted for doing so.

However, he has indicated a decision to fight on until November, so that the conservatives and independents of District 3 who gave him their votes will not be disenfranchised and to prevent RINO Republican Skelton from overturning a legitimate election and successfully defying the will of the people of Pickens County. Upstate conservatives owe Ed Harris all the help they can provide.