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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994


With our country apparently being headed toward self-destruction, we wish to thank you for The Times Examiner which brings truth to others in these very stressful times.

Enclosed is a book, ABANDONMENT THEOLOGY by John Chalfant, that offers excellent insight into key elements that made America great; where some of the current problems were birthed; and offers ideas to help prevent further decline.

Sometimes one probably wonders, “Is God punishing our nation?”

Lately, this question rolls over and over in my mind, but finally I concluded this: that God gave each of us a free will allowing us to make either morally just decisions that align themselves with God’s truths and blessings, or wrong decisions affording destructive results. As a nation, we have pushed God aside, and as former President Ronald Reagan once said, “A nation that forgets God, is a nation gone under.”

For example, when a nation legalizes the killing of babies, even after they are born alive, we are asking for God’s judgment upon the nation. We are made in the image and likeness of God, and when a human baby is murdered by the hands of an abortionist, there are numerous horrific

sins being committed in our society today for which God will hold us accountable. To list all the wrongs would require a non-fictional book. So, let us all be mindful of the old adage, “We reap what we sow.” Sin brings devastating consequences. When America was a moral nation, its leadership made reasonable political decisions based on moral principles of God’s Word, and America prospered.

The people of a nation cannot rise above its leadership, and in order for America to return to its former spiritual, economic and political strength, we would have to turn our hearts back to God and His holy Word and prove our sincerity through our actions.

Will this happen? Perhaps, but America seems to lack the strong moral leadership in both the churches and the government to stand against the complex socio-economic issues we face. Are those in the pulpit willing to teach the meaning of sin? Will our elected officials in Washington, as well as all levels of government, turn from their selfish, self-serving ways and be honest with the American people and do what is right for this country? Will they act before it’s too late to reverse the current course of destruction?

God gives us insight in the oft quoted Scripture verse to our troubles:

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Please, please PRAY for this nation.