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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:16 AM


First Published in 1994


The Blessing of Abraham Gen.3:12 is Salvation in Christ. And if ye be in Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Gal. 3:29

Tony, It was an encouragement to me to know that a pastor would be on the radio on Christmas eve to speak of the truths of the Word of God on our Savior’s birth.

I am constrained to give you my reaction to what you brought to us in your message on the account of our Savior’s birth.

First, your guest, whose name I did not hear, but because he spoke of his doctorate, I assume is a pastor also, first chose to attack Christians because they "lack love" towards atheists based upon the words of his atheist friend. True love is to speak the words of Christ which says that "except a man be born again he will not see the Kingdom of God" and “the wages of sin is death.” Your guest did not cite a specific example, but chooses to accept the reaction to the Word of God  of an atheist.

Second, you and your guest spent long minutes talking about what you could not believe about the account of Scripture, ie, Matt. Mark, Luke and John, as opposed to the dead sea scrolls, without one word that the Scriptures are God breathed, inspired of God. That they depended upon the accounts of the Fathers who were either there or relied upon the accounts of those who were there. Further, that modern bibles have error, which I agree with, not because they have errors of English grammar, ie commas, etc. but because they omit and change specific doctrines, ie, the blood of Christ, and changing the virgin Mary to "maiden," etc.

Third, your defense of Rick Warren who in his book "The Purpose Driven Life" promoted with-drawing from the old ways of worshipping, i.e. the music and doctrines, in favor of rock music and new evangelicalism. You cited his statement to Pierce Morgan about sodomy,"I have more fear of God than I do of you." That didn't take much courage at all since most Christians recognize the totally anti-Christ position of Pierce Morgan. Rick Warren’s fame which you so glowingly applaud has been won because of his move to worldliness, not because of his faithfulness to the Word of God.

Finally, to bring into your program such jocularity as the music of the world such as The Beetles, Elvis, the stuttering elf like "I'll have a blue Christmas without you" and the barking Christmas dog blended with the holiest of holies, The Christ who died for our sins that some might be saved, is an encouragement to those Christians who believe that the birth of Christ should not be celebrated at all because of paganism, etc. of the world.

I would not dare to question your love of our Lord, or your salvation. I do question your wisdom in conducting such a Christian program. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit of God will cause you to consider the content of your program that it can truly be a blessing to those of us who are attempting to live our lives to the glory of our Lord.

Anticipating your response may well be "Don't listen." If your program continues  to promote the above examples, I will be constrained to do so.

In true Christian love.