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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:20 AM


First Published in 1994


I’m sure most readers of The Times have heard of Gun Owners of America. For those not familiar, this small but highly effective organization began operating in 1975, and has done an excellent job keeping watch on anti-gun politicians and anti-gun groups determined to destroy our right to keep and bear arms. Operating with a small staff and a mere fraction of the budget of the National Rifle Association, GOA has consistently stayed in trenches as the only pro-gun rights organization that will not compromise with the anti-gunners.

Although the NRA has done much over the years to preserve our Second Amendment rights, the “old guard” leadership is gone, and it seems the bulldog fighting spirit that formerly characterize the organization left with them. Even the infamous Senator Harry Reid lavished compliments on NRA leaders for their willingness to bend a bit here and there on gun issues, but slammed GOA for refusing to do so. After forty plus years, I bowed out due to the leadership supporting the “Veterans Disarmament Act” which denies many wounded military veterans the right to own or possess a firearms—doing so without due process, therefore in violation of their Fifth Amendment rights.

This is not a anti-NRA letter and I am not advocating NRA members abandon the organization. My purpose is to encourage support for GOA as well because it has been so persistent and consistently effective in protecting our gum rights.

GOA operates on donations, not a set membership fee, therefore depends on the pro-gun public for support.

Find out more at http://www.gunowners.org or Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springeld, Virginia 22151. Phone: 703-321-8585.