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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:26 AM


First Published in 1994


Did you know that House Speaker Bobby Harrell has been unanimously elected numerous times to his leadership position by the South Carolina House? That means that your representative, more than likely, voted him into the most powerful position in state government. You didn’t vote for him; your House member did.

With an ongoing Grand Jury investigation into his conduct, repeated attempts by the Speaker’s allies to pass laws to protect him, and the pending State Supreme Court hearing, it’s worth asking whether the Speaker can or should continue to hold that office.

We think it’s only fair for House members to tell us if they believe Speaker Harrell can continue to fulfill his duties effectively.

As we did with Project Conflict Watch, we've made it incredibly easy to send an email to your representative requesting they tell you, a constituent, if Speaker Harrell can effectively lead in the House while he’s the subject of a grand jury investigation. Once you get a response, we’d like to post it on our website along with others.

We are hopeful that on June 24th, when the SC Supreme Court convenes to review Speaker Harrell’s case, justices will overturn the circuit court ruling that would give, not just Harrell, but every member of the Legislature what the attorney general aptly calls “legislative criminal immunity.” (And we hope that you'll join us there. We'll send you more details about the hearing soon.)

No matter how the Supreme Court rules, the Policy Council will continue aggressively fighting to make our politicians the most accountable in the country.

Join us and ask your representative if he or she believes Speaker Harrell can effectively continue to hold the most powerful position in South Carolina. Click http://scpolicycouncil.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=90f4d72dbc04b9503f9c91


&e=f80395b3ba to find your House member and send an email.

Together, we can make South Carolina the freest state in the nation.