Far too many .Americans are oblivious to the rising tide of civil liberties violations in America. The reason is that much of it is being done under the Patriot Act and is hidden from view by the general public.
What we do know about those who are supposed to be the role models of our country is quite troubling. FBI agents broke into the home of a Portland, Oregon attorney and searched it, using the sneak and peak provision of the Patriot Act. They arrested him and accused him of being a part of the Madrid train bombings. The FBI later realized they had made a mistake in the DNA and released him. He won $2 million in a subsequent lawsuit.
Horrific invasions of privacy, poisonings and property damage are caused using the sneak and peak and other provisions of the Patriot Act. FBI officials have admitted creating computer viruses in an effort to get passwords.
Last year, FBI agents positioned cameras above where teenage girls were trying on prom dresses for a fundraiser for Hospice International. Two agents spied on the girls as they changed clothes. Charles Hommema and Gary Sutton were arrested for criminal invasion of privacy.
Hundreds of demonstrators are beaten at demonstrations every year, if not thousands. I know because I have been a victim, having been beaten nearly to death in DC, with three broken ribs and two damaged kidneys. I have also seen scores of acts of police brutality.
Now, in an effort to cover up horrific civil liberties violations, the FBI is putting brain implants into people to declare them as insane, so that they can get away with major misdeeds such as that done in Portland and get away with it. Before you question this as some conspiracy theory, do some research.
I have documented several cases in Ohio with irrefutable evidence, and have many more reports from victims that I am investigating. You will find that this technology has been around for decades, and has vastly advanced in recent years, with nanotcchnology and brain computer interfaces.
Because technology is moving faster than general awareness, government officials have gotten away with this horrific torture.
But it is well-documented at www.chadkister.com with x-rays and witnesses.
We need to repeal the Patriot Act. and investigate abuses of it, before everyone ends up with a brain implant and we are all marched to war.