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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:36 PM


First Published in 1994


The Daily Caller reports, “The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will allow President Donald Trump to temporarily enforce restrictions on transgender individuals serving in the military.”

Every liberal justice on the court opposed the measure.

But in a narrow 5-4 ruling, Justice Kavanaugh proved to be the tie breaking vote to overturn President Obama’s previous ruling regarding transgenders in the military.

The Trump administration was quick to celebrate the victory.

“We are pleased the Supreme Court granted stays in these cases, clearing the way for the policy to go into effect while litigation continues,” said Kerri Kupec, a Department of Justice spokeswoman. “The Department of Defense has the authority to create and implement personnel policies it has determined are necessary to best defend our nation.”

The battle over transgenders serving in the military had been raging since shortly after President Trump took office.

One of the first major orders he issued to overturn a key aspect of President Obama’s legacy was a ruling allowing transgender individuals to serve in the armed forces.

In July 2017, President Trump overturned that policy, before delaying its implementation.

After a review by the Department of Defense confirmed the policy was beneficial to the combat readiness of the armed forces, Trump initiated the change in February 2018.

Almost immediately, liberal activists took the President to court in opposition of the policy change.

After nearly a year of legal limbo, the Supreme Court decided to signal its position on the policy by declaring it legal for the President to initiate a change of this nature.

The ruling comes as a stern rebuke of President Obama’s policies, and a key example of not just President Trump’s determination to paint over much of his predecessor’s record, but also how President Trump’s judicial appointments are allowing him to do so.

Do you think the Supreme Court was right to side with the Trump administration on the question of letting queers serve in the military?

As a Marine Korean War Vet, I say, Yes , signed by James Aldridge, who served in that 3 year  War in 1952 & part of 1953 (the War ended in August of 1953)