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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:46 PM


First Published in 1994


Congress is an absolute disgrace, and I am referring of course to the pending legislation re: Border  Security. The scenario is, typically, a "behind-the-do barely 12 hours, much less 72 hours as promised, for review and passage.

However, before dealing specifically with this bill, let's review the scenario regarding the infamous 'Obamacare' legislation. This also was a multi-thousand (?)pages of gobbledygook; but did you know that there were 1200 (maybe 1700) exemptions to Obamacare?  For instance, say you're a large business, you have an excellent program with great employee appreciation, and so you ask for and are giving an exemption by Congress.

After all, Congress exempts itself, why not a great business in the district!  However, this provision gets extremely abused; for example, Pelosi received 40 exemptions, undoubtedly including her family's tuna business HQ'd in Guam.  And so it goes with Congress and it's abuse of the legislative process.

Now returning to 'border security', we are finding out that (only) $1.3 billion is allowed for the wall/fence (as an aside, please note that a "wall" is so immoral (!); yet how convenient for Speaker Pelosi, specifically, to reside in a gated community, ie, 'walled community!); to continue, this bill is allowing $5.3 billion for 'border security' for Isreal, Ukraine, and Jordan; it is allowing $4.4 billion for 'international disaster' areas;  over $1 billion for the Smithsonian; and on and on.

There is no way this legislation should be passed. Trump needs to threaten a veto, point out the outrageous, unrelated, abuses in the bill, and give them a week to remove said extraneous, hidden, money allocations.

Congress is a disgrace; and based on the above any 'shutdown' of the government is due to congressional malfeasance of the legislative process, as outlined above.

And he should only sign said 'clean legislation' subject to a provision that he can add future monies for additonal wall/fencing.