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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Before yesterday, we were not familiar with the name name, Tim Tassopoulous, but today is very different. Withdrawing funding from organizations like Salvation Army, Paul Anderson Childrens’ Homes (and FCA) is probably NOT how you wished to be remembered; however, this debacle is an unfortunate event now linked to your name. 


Millions of (straight and gay) Chick-fil-A customers are dismayed that one of the most unique examples of independent, free-thinking entrepreneurism has gone the way of most...and that was the draw.... Chick-fil-A was not like most. Kowtowing to communities that have never supported Chick-fil-A will not earn friendship, it earns only disrespect by allThere is a difference between courageously and humbly changing one’s mind and cowardly groveling to appease out of fear.

Public statements by the “vocal and violent” declare they have defeated Chick-fil-A. Not a minute’s sleep will be lost by Chick-fil-A’s “new friends” when the company faces ruin. The “vocal and violent” are not acquainted with humility and are not interested in Chick-fil-A’s obsequiousness. With this demonstration of corporate flakiness, regaining community (any community) respect will be hard-earned. Chick-fil-A turned on one of the most benevolent services for the homeless gay community: the Salvation Army. It turned on the very people who have supported Chick-fil-A and now you have place with neither your traditional supporters nor in a market you sought to placate.

Surely the officers of Chick-fil-A had many warnings about the consequences of this action. It is such an incredibly bizarre decision that it actually feels like a cleverly calculated move to INTENTIONALLY destroy the corporation. The public will note if and when the executives of Chick-fil-A jump ship for corporate competitors. The thought of sabotage has crossed my mind. It is certainly disloyal to the memory of Truett Cathy.
This has brought dishonor to everyone involved and confirms other countries’ low opinion of erratic American business practice. Congratulations on toppling another domino in American free enterprise.