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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:18 PM


First Published in 1994


I am thinking that closing our primaries in SC still won’t fix the problem of RINO’s in the Republican Party...these RINO’s have a huge following of what they prefer to be called...”moderates” or “centrists” These people are abundantly found in Greenville, Easley and Clemson and are showing up in Pickens, Six Mike, Central, Liberty as well. Why is that? I will tell you why...the failure of our church leaders and our public schools who refuse to stand up for Conservative Christian values and beliefs. AND the refusal of true Conservative Christians to “get involved” in politics. As well as their following being better organized and sending in operatives to stir up the community with their false narratives.

These centrist, moderates, RINO’s, Progressives...whatever you want to label them are nothing more than “ Fence Sitters” who depending on which way the wind blows or money flows will fall to the left or fall to the right...which reminds me of Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee”

It is time for people with a spine...people who actually have unwavering principles of God, Family, Constitution, and Pride in American Sovereignty to rise up and demand our elected employees NOT be fence sitters! Fire them if they are! I know which side of the fence I am on...I know that I am not lukewarm...

It is a known fact the majority of our Pickens Legislative Delegation, our County Council, and our School Board need to be fired for their centrist views. But until YOU help educate your church members and family and friends on who the fence sitters are.